And the Behringer bashing has begun... *sigh* 
No Behringer bashing here, simply because I never owned anything they produced. I only operated their mixers while a was a projectionist for a while.
The look is object to a personal matter of taste I guess, so there's really not much to argue about.
The only thing I'm concerned about with regard to a company like Behringer is production ethics. - Yeah, I hear the cynics say, "stop moralizing" or "then throw away your computer." However, this discussion will depend on the price they're planning to sell at.
Will they compete with DSI et al? - Yes. Is the comparison just? - No, since Behringer, or rather the Music Group conglomerate is a huge hypercapitalist manufacturer following nowadays' Silicon Valley business model that has production capacities that simply don't compare to small companies like DSI, Moog, Elektron, Vermona, Modal Electronics, and the likes.
The only things I know with regard to the production process at Behringer are based on Uli Behringer's statements. According to these, he thinks that engineers are paid the same in China, the US, and Europe, he adds fitness studios to the mix of employee self-optimization, and that all manufacturing steps "below" engineering are purely automatized.