Envelope problem on prophet-5 module


Envelope problem on prophet-5 module
« on: August 28, 2023, 08:51:15 AM »
I am the new owner of a prophet-5 module.

I have an issue with patches that have a slow filter attack. Sometimes a note plays with a fast attack.
I have udpated it to the latest firmware, tried differents settings (last note priority, keyboard velocity) and used different keyboards via both midi din and USB but I still have the issue that occurs quite frequently.

Is it a known issue?

Re: Envelope problem on prophet-5 module
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2023, 10:06:01 AM »
I am the new owner of a prophet-5 module.

I have an issue with patches that have a slow filter attack. Sometimes a note plays with a fast attack.
I have udpated it to the latest firmware, tried differents settings (last note priority, keyboard velocity) and used different keyboards via both midi din and USB but I still have the issue that occurs quite frequently.

Is it a known issue?

I'm wondering if it's a case of classic voice stealing...
Check page 45 of the manual... Key Priority Modes. Hopefully it'll help make sense of the issue...


Re: Envelope problem on prophet-5 module
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2023, 10:58:42 AM »
I'm wondering if it's a case of classic voice stealing...
Check page 45 of the manual... Key Priority Modes. Hopefully it'll help make sense of the issue...

Thank you for your quick answer. It might be actually...

I did test with a patch with slow attack (both amp & filter)
Holding a 5-note chord, the 6th note is played with short attack once.
If I release this 6th note and play it again it will be played with slow attack just fine.
I've got the same behaviour in LAS and LAR modes.

Re: Envelope problem on prophet-5 module
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2023, 11:14:28 AM »
I'm wondering if it's a case of classic voice stealing...
Check page 45 of the manual... Key Priority Modes. Hopefully it'll help make sense of the issue...

Thank you for your quick answer. It might be actually...

I did test with a patch with slow attack (both amp & filter)
Holding a 5-note chord, the 6th note is played with short attack once.
If I release this 6th note and play it again it will be played with slow attack just fine.
I've got the same behaviour in LAS and LAR modes.

This might help as well...

Re: Envelope problem on prophet-5 module
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2023, 12:16:17 PM »
Yep, most likely voice stealing ...
When pressing the 6 th note it takes over the envelope curve from the previous note
where ever the curve is at the moment.

Shorten the release will help a bit ...

Cheers !
« Last Edit: August 28, 2023, 12:17:55 PM by HockeBocke »
1976 MiniKORG700s // 1979 Prophet-5 rev.2 // 1981 KORG CX-3 // 1984 DX7 // 2020 Prophet-10 rev.4 // MoPho Box // 2 Creamware MiniMax // Creamware Pro-12 // 2 EMU-Proteus 2000 // EMU-Vintage Keys  // Casio VZ-10M // Roland VK-8M // Fatar SL 880 // Roland JUPITER-X


Re: Envelope problem on prophet-5 module
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2023, 10:28:00 PM »
When pressing the 6 th note it takes over the envelope curve from the previous note
where ever the curve is at the moment.
Thank you all for your help. I had the same very clear answer from customer support.

Don't you think that it could be interesting to have an option to retrigger the enveloppe from its initial position when a voice is stolen?