Another way to trigger sequencer transpose?

Another way to trigger sequencer transpose?
« on: September 05, 2023, 10:59:50 PM »
Hi - I'm a new Take 5 owner and so far it's pretty amazing.  I've owned and played quite a few synths in the past and this one is as powerful as some of the best.

There's one thing I need though that it doesn't seem to do.  I want to use this in live performance with the sequencer running, playing one key at a time to transpose the sequences in real time like I can on my ARP 2600.  The manual says I can hold down the RECORD button while playing, and yes, this does work, but I don't have my right hand available during performance because it's playing something else on another keyboard!  Is there any way to: A) tell the sequencer to be in auto-transpose mode (i.e. not be able to solo over the sequencer, and use key presses to transpose like it does when you hold down RECORD while playing), and B) be able to store this mode with a patch?

I really, really need this.  Otherwise I have to drag yet another synth to my gigs that can do this just for a few places in the entire show.  BTW, my Roland Boutique JX-03 does this quite well, and yes, it's small, but I was really hoping that by buying the Take 5 I could now limit myself to just it and one other synth.


-- Tom Mc@

Re: Another way to trigger sequencer transpose?
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2023, 09:16:59 AM »
Hi - I'm a new Take 5 owner and so far it's pretty amazing.  I've owned and played quite a few synths in the past and this one is as powerful as some of the best.

There's one thing I need though that it doesn't seem to do.  I want to use this in live performance with the sequencer running, playing one key at a time to transpose the sequences in real time like I can on my ARP 2600.  The manual says I can hold down the RECORD button while playing, and yes, this does work, but I don't have my right hand available during performance because it's playing something else on another keyboard!  Is there any way to: A) tell the sequencer to be in auto-transpose mode (i.e. not be able to solo over the sequencer, and use key presses to transpose like it does when you hold down RECORD while playing), and B) be able to store this mode with a patch?

I really, really need this.  Otherwise I have to drag yet another synth to my gigs that can do this just for a few places in the entire show.  BTW, my Roland Boutique JX-03 does this quite well, and yes, it's small, but I was really hoping that by buying the Take 5 I could now limit myself to just it and one other synth.


-- Tom Mc@

Yes, that would be an excellent addition to a future firmware update -- I'd directly contact Sequential about this.


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Re: Another way to trigger sequencer transpose?
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2023, 10:31:53 AM »
If your sequence is monophonic and your patch can also be monophonic, turning on Unison will cause the sequencer to auto transpose when hitting a key during playback.

This won’t work if you need poly though.  An enhancement to do this would be nice.

Re: Another way to trigger sequencer transpose?
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2023, 01:26:58 PM »
If your sequence is monophonic and your patch can also be monophonic, turning on Unison will cause the sequencer to auto transpose when hitting a key during playback.

This won’t work if you need poly though.  An enhancement to do this would be nice.

AWESOME!!  THAT'S ALL I NEED!!  THANK YOU!!!!  I'll try this out later tonight.

--- Tom Mc@