Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS

Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS
« on: August 17, 2016, 05:07:48 PM »
You must install both the Main and Voice OS.

Not that we're expecting bad things to happen, but it's better to be safe than sorry. These OS updates are labelled 'Beta' for a reason; there could be something small that was overlooked that didn't get caught in our testing. Just remember, you're never going to say to yourself "Man, I wish I hadn't backed that up..."

WARNING!!!: There is a bug relating to program loading and combo freezes that only happens in newer units and was due to an undocumented change in our microprocessors in the newer silicon. This has been corrected but a range of serial numbers (approx. 1992-2138) may freeze during the OS update because they don't have the new timing code but do have the newer silicon. In that case you will have to get it manually updated by either sending it to us; please send an email to support@davesmithinstruments.com if this happens to your Tetra so we can arrange to have it repaired

Currently you must update the OS using the hard MIDI IN port, MIDI over USB is not functional yet.

We do not recommend using the following MIDI interfaces for sysex transfers as we have had multiple users experience problems with them:
Native Instruments Maschine
Digidesign Mbox/Mbox2
Digidesign 001/002

If you're on a Mac we recommend using SysEx Librarian to handle the update
To configure SysEx Librarian:
In 'Sysex Librarian->Preferences':
In tab ‘General’ set ‘Pause between played messages’ to 1 second
In tab ‘Transmit Speed’ set speed to 80%
If you have trouble installing, first try setting transmit speed to alternate settings. We have had reports of speeds from 25% to 100% working for some users where 80% failed

If you're on a PC we have had the best luck with SendSX and MIDI-OX. Both are free downloads and work across the Windows line of OS versions.

To configure SendSX:
Install the beta 1.30 version, not the 1.22, to give you more options for speed settings
Make sure 'Split long sys ex messages' is off in the Options menu
In 'Options->Settings' change the speed to ~80% (1.29KB/s works well for us here)
If you have trouble installing, first try setting transmit speed to alternate settings. We have had reports of speeds from 25% to 100% working for some users where 80% failed

To configure MIDI-OX:
Install version 7; version works great here
In View->Sysex then Sysex->’Configure…’
Set the Low Level Output Buffers to Size: 1024 and Num: 1024
Set ‘Delay Between Buffers’ to 375 milliseconds
Check ‘Delay After F7’ and set delay to 1000 Milliseconds

If the OS load countdown freezes before completing you'll need to change the buffer settings and try again
Try doubling or quadrupling the Size setting to start, and halving/doubling the number of buffers
If you experience problems loading the OS and have tried the alternate speed/buffer settings, try the other program. In some instances Send SX works where MIDI OX did not, and vice versa
You should see the display indicate that the OS is being received (if the screen is dark, just move the main volume knob slightly to bring it up). The Voice LEDs will flash once the Main OS is writing to memory. Do NOT turn the unit off while the LEDs are flashing as this could cause a bricked unit.

To check if the OS update was properly installed, power cycle the Tetra. The version of both the Main and Voice OS will be shown on the screen for a short time after powering up the Tetra.

If your OS update failed:
Update your MIDI drivers for your MIDI interface to the latest or last known stable version
Try alternate speed settings: transfer speed settings as low as 25% and as high as 100% have worked for some users when 80% did not

Try an alternate MIDI interface. The M-Audio MIDI Sport Uno works well here and is relatively cheap
In Windows with MIDI OX on Windows XP: Try doubling or quadrupling the Size setting to start, and halving/doubling the number of buffers

Search google and/or forums for the company that produces your MIDI interface to see if other users are having similar problems with Sysex transfers and whether there is a solution specific to your interface
If you are on Windows XP, try another OS or machine. Although it's not ideal, we have had less problems with Mac OSX and Windows 7. Windows XP has known issues with sysex transfers

Main OS 1.6.19
Fixed bug: NRPN bug preventing newest globals from being recognized

Main OS 1.6.17
Fixed bug: Switching key mode from Normal to Stack/Split not handled correctly when changed on the front panel

Main OS 1.6.16
Added arp relatch global variable
Global can select between normal (same as it works currently, new MIDI notes added to current arp values) or relatch (after releasing all notes, new MIDI notes create a new arp)
NRPN 415 controls global for arp latch mode (0=normal, 1=relatch)
When arp on sustain pedal MIDI now acts as a latch hold toggle
CC#66 now controls arp hold directly (0=arp hold off, 1-127=arp hold on)
Hitting pushit while arp is latched kills playback and turns arp hold off
Fixed bug: Unison bug where releasing the middle note of a chord not behaving correctly in retrigger mode
Fixed bug: Several small bugs when pushit button used in conjunction with external MIDI triggering
Fixed bug: In combo mode, multi off, program volume not display on screen when changing assignable encoder targets
Fixed bug: In combo mode, multi off, master volume pot not handling display and voice select mode correctly
Mopho X4 programs now handled correctly

Main OS 1.6.13
Fixed bug: Sending NRPN 413/414/415/416 caused stuck param behavior where new NRPNs to normal voice params would only update the last received 413/etc
Fixed bug: Combo layer names not updating from program changes when multi mode on

Main OS 1.6.12
Wave reset not responding to incoming NRPNs
Program change added to CC#00 so you can change programs while in combo mode with multi mode on
Bank changes not handled correctly when in program mode with multi on (caused bank 1 to be used even when a new bank was chosen for saves/loads)
Some NRPNs not handled correctly when multi mode on:
NRPN 412: Program/Combo mode query and change
NRPN 413: Voice select
NRPN 414: Get current program on voice
NRPN 415: Get current bank on voice
Changing BPM not refreshing screen correctly
Changing assigned parameter via NRPN could cause crash due to incorrect bounds checks

Main OS 1.6.11
Fixed bug: Crash when editing program names under certain circumstances
Fixed bug: Several places when editing layer B where changing the param had no effect (params that only exist on layer A like unison modes and pushit button params)
Fixed bug: Programs sent over USB corrupted, off by one byte
Fixed bug: BPM not being refreshed on the screen correctly
Fixed bug: Using assign param knobs could cause name characters to go beyond valid bounds
Fixed bug: Several small bugs related to name handling
Fixed bug: Several small bugs related to cleanup before/after transitions between states

Main OS 1.6.7b
Added OSC 1 and OSC 2 Wave Reset; control with NRPNs 102 and 103
MIDI Program changes in combo mode while multi is on now change combos rather than the program on the individual voice. Makes more sense this way
NRPN Inc MIDI messages could cause a param to go over the upper bound, this may have been responsible for some unconfirmed MIDI problems
Saving programs in Program Mode while multi is on fixed; initialization was not correct causing saves to the wrong place unless you changed the save location before pressing write

Main OS 1.6.6b
Fixed tuning issue on voice 2

Main OS 1.6.5b
Saving programs now works in program mode while multi is on, you can select the save destination after you press the 'write' button
Added 2 NRPN commands to query the program and bank of a currently selected program when multi mode is on:
Sending NRPN 414 with data 0-3 (corresponding to voices 1-4) returns NRPN 414 with the currently selected program on that voice
Sending NRPN 415 with data 0-3 (corresponding to voices 1-4) returns NRPN 415 with the currently selected bank on that voice
Added response to NRPN 413 to query the current mode of the Tetra:
Sending NRPN 413 with data 0 selects Program Mode
Sending NRPN 413 with data 1 selects Combo Mode
Sending NRPN 413 with data 2 (or any value other than 1 or 0) returns NRPN 413 with either a data of 0 if the Tetra is in Program mode or a dat aof 1 if the Tetra is in Combo mode
Fixed bug: Program changes in multi mode caused bank 1 to be selected
Fixed bug: Voice select NRPN not working correctly in multi mode
Fixed bug: Voice select NRPN was not selecting all voices in combo mode. Now sending '4' to the NRPN selects all voices in combo mode
Fixed bug: Switching multi mode on/off not refreshing the UI on the Tetra
Fixed bug: NRPNs for editing all 4 voices were not handled correctly in multi mode
Fixed bug: Editing the param assigned to the assignable parameter encoders could cause a crash or other unwanted behavior depending on the state of the Tetra
Fixed bug: Could not edit 'Layer B' parameters using the select encoder

Main OS 1.6.2b
Fixed crash when changing global parameter for clock

Main OS 1.6.1b
Main screen now displays 3 digit version number to confirm beta updates were successful. Production releases will revert back to the 2 digit version number
Fixed issue with internal sync, most obvious with drifting LFOs
Volume pot should not update volume correctly irregardless of mode. Switching between program/combo will no longer reset volume multipliers
Name now updated in program mode while using select encoder to edit characters
BPM updates from select encoder now update tempo correctly
Layer A/B changes from an NRPN should now work correctly
Turning multi mode off no longer jumps from global mode back to combo/program mode
Pots now reset correctly when switching between A/B layers
Display now updates from param changes over MIDI in multi mode
Program changes in multi mode now send out program change MIDI messages on the correct channel

Voice OS 1.5.12
Fixed bug: Sequencer bug causing squeak on notes with rest when slew active

Voice OS 1.5.5
Fixed bug: OS shown incorrectly as 1.4, now shows as 1.5
Tweaked Osc Mix CV
Tweaked envelope response between attack/decay phases

Voice OS 1.5.2
New Sync behavior for LFOs
LFOs now sync even when sequencer is off
Key sync should always be on when LFO sync is used
Clock Divide no longer affects LFO timing when sync'd

Voice OS 1.5.1
Fixes Sub Osc 1 bug

Voice OS 1.5
Improved LFO sync

Voice OS 1.4.2
Fixed Wave reset for all oscillator/voice combinations

Voice OS 1.4
Added OSC 1 and 2 Wave Reset

Voice OS 1.3
Fixed bug: Distortion on voices 2+4
« Last Edit: August 20, 2016, 10:42:54 AM by Robot Heart »

Re: Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2016, 07:56:25 AM »

It is great with all the improvements and updates, but why don't you update the user manual so the users can see the right MIDI parameters and settings? It cannot take a very long time to add those small changes when you update the firmware and it is much better / easier to do it when you change the firmware instead of afterwards.


Re: Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2016, 04:23:48 PM »
Because this is a beta OS. The user manual is updated only for official OS releases.

Re: Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2016, 09:57:40 AM »
You must install both the Main and Voice OS.

Not that we're expecting bad things to happen, but it's better to be safe than sorry. These OS updates are labelled 'Beta' for a reason; there could be something small that was overlooked that didn't get caught in our testing. Just remember, you're never going to say to yourself "Man, I wish I hadn't backed that up..."

WARNING!!!: There is a bug relating to program loading and combo freezes that only happens in newer units and was due to an undocumented change in our microprocessors in the newer silicon. This has been corrected but a range of serial numbers (approx. 1992-2138) may freeze during the OS update because they don't have the new timing code but do have the newer silicon. In that case you will have to get it manually updated by either sending it to us; please send an email to support@davesmithinstruments.com if this happens to your Tetra so we can arrange to have it repaired

Currently you must update the OS using the hard MIDI IN port, MIDI over USB is not functional yet.

We do not recommend using the following MIDI interfaces for sysex transfers as we have had multiple users experience problems with them:
Native Instruments Maschine
Digidesign Mbox/Mbox2
Digidesign 001/002

If you're on a Mac we recommend using SysEx Librarian to handle the update
To configure SysEx Librarian:
In 'Sysex Librarian->Preferences':
In tab ‘General’ set ‘Pause between played messages’ to 1 second
In tab ‘Transmit Speed’ set speed to 80%
If you have trouble installing, first try setting transmit speed to alternate settings. We have had reports of speeds from 25% to 100% working for some users where 80% failed

If you're on a PC we have had the best luck with SendSX and MIDI-OX. Both are free downloads and work across the Windows line of OS versions.

To configure SendSX:
Install the beta 1.30 version, not the 1.22, to give you more options for speed settings
Make sure 'Split long sys ex messages' is off in the Options menu
In 'Options->Settings' change the speed to ~80% (1.29KB/s works well for us here)
If you have trouble installing, first try setting transmit speed to alternate settings. We have had reports of speeds from 25% to 100% working for some users where 80% failed

To configure MIDI-OX:
Install version 7; version works great here
In View->Sysex then Sysex->’Configure…’
Set the Low Level Output Buffers to Size: 1024 and Num: 1024
Set ‘Delay Between Buffers’ to 375 milliseconds
Check ‘Delay After F7’ and set delay to 1000 Milliseconds

If the OS load countdown freezes before completing you'll need to change the buffer settings and try again
Try doubling or quadrupling the Size setting to start, and halving/doubling the number of buffers
If you experience problems loading the OS and have tried the alternate speed/buffer settings, try the other program. In some instances Send SX works where MIDI OX did not, and vice versa
You should see the display indicate that the OS is being received (if the screen is dark, just move the main volume knob slightly to bring it up). The Voice LEDs will flash once the Main OS is writing to memory. Do NOT turn the unit off while the LEDs are flashing as this could cause a bricked unit.

To check if the OS update was properly installed, power cycle the Tetra. The version of both the Main and Voice OS will be shown on the screen for a short time after powering up the Tetra.

If your OS update failed:
Update your MIDI drivers for your MIDI interface to the latest or last known stable version
Try alternate speed settings: transfer speed settings as low as 25% and as high as 100% have worked for some users when 80% did not

Try an alternate MIDI interface. The M-Audio MIDI Sport Uno works well here and is relatively cheap
In Windows with MIDI OX on Windows XP: Try doubling or quadrupling the Size setting to start, and halving/doubling the number of buffers

Search google and/or forums for the company that produces your MIDI interface to see if other users are having similar problems with Sysex transfers and whether there is a solution specific to your interface
If you are on Windows XP, try another OS or machine. Although it's not ideal, we have had less problems with Mac OSX and Windows 7. Windows XP has known issues with sysex transfers

Main OS 1.6.19
Fixed bug: NRPN bug preventing newest globals from being recognized

Main OS 1.6.17
Fixed bug: Switching key mode from Normal to Stack/Split not handled correctly when changed on the front panel

Main OS 1.6.16
Added arp relatch global variable
Global can select between normal (same as it works currently, new MIDI notes added to current arp values) or relatch (after releasing all notes, new MIDI notes create a new arp)
NRPN 415 controls global for arp latch mode (0=normal, 1=relatch)
When arp on sustain pedal MIDI now acts as a latch hold toggle
CC#66 now controls arp hold directly (0=arp hold off, 1-127=arp hold on)
Hitting pushit while arp is latched kills playback and turns arp hold off
Fixed bug: Unison bug where releasing the middle note of a chord not behaving correctly in retrigger mode
Fixed bug: Several small bugs when pushit button used in conjunction with external MIDI triggering
Fixed bug: In combo mode, multi off, program volume not display on screen when changing assignable encoder targets
Fixed bug: In combo mode, multi off, master volume pot not handling display and voice select mode correctly
Mopho X4 programs now handled correctly

Main OS 1.6.13
Fixed bug: Sending NRPN 413/414/415/416 caused stuck param behavior where new NRPNs to normal voice params would only update the last received 413/etc
Fixed bug: Combo layer names not updating from program changes when multi mode on

Main OS 1.6.12
Wave reset not responding to incoming NRPNs
Program change added to CC#00 so you can change programs while in combo mode with multi mode on
Bank changes not handled correctly when in program mode with multi on (caused bank 1 to be used even when a new bank was chosen for saves/loads)
Some NRPNs not handled correctly when multi mode on:
NRPN 412: Program/Combo mode query and change
NRPN 413: Voice select
NRPN 414: Get current program on voice
NRPN 415: Get current bank on voice
Changing BPM not refreshing screen correctly
Changing assigned parameter via NRPN could cause crash due to incorrect bounds checks

Main OS 1.6.11
Fixed bug: Crash when editing program names under certain circumstances
Fixed bug: Several places when editing layer B where changing the param had no effect (params that only exist on layer A like unison modes and pushit button params)
Fixed bug: Programs sent over USB corrupted, off by one byte
Fixed bug: BPM not being refreshed on the screen correctly
Fixed bug: Using assign param knobs could cause name characters to go beyond valid bounds
Fixed bug: Several small bugs related to name handling
Fixed bug: Several small bugs related to cleanup before/after transitions between states

Main OS 1.6.7b
Added OSC 1 and OSC 2 Wave Reset; control with NRPNs 102 and 103
MIDI Program changes in combo mode while multi is on now change combos rather than the program on the individual voice. Makes more sense this way
NRPN Inc MIDI messages could cause a param to go over the upper bound, this may have been responsible for some unconfirmed MIDI problems
Saving programs in Program Mode while multi is on fixed; initialization was not correct causing saves to the wrong place unless you changed the save location before pressing write

Main OS 1.6.6b
Fixed tuning issue on voice 2

Main OS 1.6.5b
Saving programs now works in program mode while multi is on, you can select the save destination after you press the 'write' button
Added 2 NRPN commands to query the program and bank of a currently selected program when multi mode is on:
Sending NRPN 414 with data 0-3 (corresponding to voices 1-4) returns NRPN 414 with the currently selected program on that voice
Sending NRPN 415 with data 0-3 (corresponding to voices 1-4) returns NRPN 415 with the currently selected bank on that voice
Added response to NRPN 413 to query the current mode of the Tetra:
Sending NRPN 413 with data 0 selects Program Mode
Sending NRPN 413 with data 1 selects Combo Mode
Sending NRPN 413 with data 2 (or any value other than 1 or 0) returns NRPN 413 with either a data of 0 if the Tetra is in Program mode or a dat aof 1 if the Tetra is in Combo mode
Fixed bug: Program changes in multi mode caused bank 1 to be selected
Fixed bug: Voice select NRPN not working correctly in multi mode
Fixed bug: Voice select NRPN was not selecting all voices in combo mode. Now sending '4' to the NRPN selects all voices in combo mode
Fixed bug: Switching multi mode on/off not refreshing the UI on the Tetra
Fixed bug: NRPNs for editing all 4 voices were not handled correctly in multi mode
Fixed bug: Editing the param assigned to the assignable parameter encoders could cause a crash or other unwanted behavior depending on the state of the Tetra
Fixed bug: Could not edit 'Layer B' parameters using the select encoder

Main OS 1.6.2b
Fixed crash when changing global parameter for clock

Main OS 1.6.1b
Main screen now displays 3 digit version number to confirm beta updates were successful. Production releases will revert back to the 2 digit version number
Fixed issue with internal sync, most obvious with drifting LFOs
Volume pot should not update volume correctly irregardless of mode. Switching between program/combo will no longer reset volume multipliers
Name now updated in program mode while using select encoder to edit characters
BPM updates from select encoder now update tempo correctly
Layer A/B changes from an NRPN should now work correctly
Turning multi mode off no longer jumps from global mode back to combo/program mode
Pots now reset correctly when switching between A/B layers
Display now updates from param changes over MIDI in multi mode
Program changes in multi mode now send out program change MIDI messages on the correct channel

Voice OS 1.5.12
Fixed bug: Sequencer bug causing squeak on notes with rest when slew active

Voice OS 1.5.5
Fixed bug: OS shown incorrectly as 1.4, now shows as 1.5
Tweaked Osc Mix CV
Tweaked envelope response between attack/decay phases

Voice OS 1.5.2
New Sync behavior for LFOs
LFOs now sync even when sequencer is off
Key sync should always be on when LFO sync is used
Clock Divide no longer affects LFO timing when sync'd

Voice OS 1.5.1
Fixes Sub Osc 1 bug

Voice OS 1.5
Improved LFO sync

Voice OS 1.4.2
Fixed Wave reset for all oscillator/voice combinations

Voice OS 1.4
Added OSC 1 and 2 Wave Reset

Voice OS 1.3
Fixed bug: Distortion on voices 2+4

Thank you, this is really great. Easy update and no issues what so ever  ;)


Re: Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2017, 12:08:07 PM »
Sorry but I'm confused, where can I download the file?

Re: Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2017, 02:21:40 PM »
Bottom of the first post. You must be signed in to see the attachments.

Re: Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2017, 07:05:03 PM »
Just update my Tetra to Main 1.6.19 and Voice to 1.5.12 and in Multi mode i couldn´t write my programs!!! I'm loosing so much time, it's incredible that this simp,e thing didn´t work i supossed  this never work????

Re: Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2017, 01:06:29 PM »
You can't save presets with Multi Mode on if you're in Program Mode. Use Combo Mode, which is setup to handle 4 individual programs already.

Re: Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2018, 11:33:38 PM »
I was able update both OS's just fine, but then I went to re-download the original sound patches to fix all the patches I had tried to save unsucessfully in Multi-Mode. To do that (update sound patches), Multi-Mode has to be 'Off', or the sysex dump doesn't work properly.

Re: Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2019, 09:58:53 AM »
You can't save presets with Multi Mode on if you're in Program Mode. Use Combo Mode, which is setup to handle 4 individual programs already.

So do you have to turn multi-mode off to edit and save programs?

Re: Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2020, 11:00:47 AM »

It's now more than three years ago the last version was beta and probably a lot longer since the last official OS. What about making a real and tested release? And any chance of getting a fix to the "sustain pedal logic problem?" to get real piano sustain.


Re: Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2022, 12:24:13 PM »
Digital HP filter please and ability to use arp in multi mode ? : )

I find the last os quite stable. However it freezes sometimes when pressing "stange" key combos. Other than that all good!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2022, 12:26:24 PM by T-Punk »

Re: Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2022, 06:25:58 AM »
I spent hours trying to get this to work on a mac, finally switched to windows and after massively altering buffer sizes it worked...I'm rather surprised there is a simple usb os loader.

In any case, it's great to finally be able to save patches after that OS fix.

I'm with T-Punk, could REALLY have used a high pass filter as well. I doubt that's something that would ever happen aside from the fact that itd have to be digital.

Re: Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2022, 09:11:24 PM »
HP could be very useful in multi mode to cut some low end for some sounds. Maybe just a hi cut filter on/of.

Also panning per program (not voice) could be extremely useful.

Re: Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2022, 09:14:15 PM »
Also still experience some freezings in multi mode unfortunately:(

Re: Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS
« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2022, 04:09:17 AM »
How risky is it to upgrade the firmware on an early model Tetra, with serial number 006xx ?

I have one with 1.6.6b on it.  Am I taking a risk of bricking it if I try to upgrade it to the final beta version?

I live in the UK, so sending it for service or repair probably isn't a very realistic option.

Re: Tetra Main 1.6.19 & Voice 1.5.12 Beta OS
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2022, 02:37:12 PM »
How risky is it to upgrade the firmware on an early model Tetra, with serial number 006xx ?

Some months later, I did update it to the final beta.  It stuck part way, which was very scary, but I was able to finish it using Bome's SendSX, by choosing the right transfer speed.

I set the speed slider to half, which is 1.0x speed.  It worked okay after that.

I originally had it at about a 1/4, which failed - the countdown for the main os stuck on 1.  I don't think I'd changed that, after installing Send SX so that may be the default setting.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2022, 02:39:35 PM by AndyHornBlower »