Prophet 12 Music

Sacred Synthesis

Prophet 12 Music
« on: October 06, 2015, 08:14:54 AM »
This thread is for music made primarily with the Prophet 12 Keyboard or Module.  There has been a scarcity for quite a while now of online recordings made with this beautiful monster.  More P12 pieces, please!
« Last Edit: October 06, 2015, 10:37:22 AM by Sacred Synthesis »

Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2015, 03:05:15 AM »
Quite a few tracks featuring my P12M on my Soundcloud that i posted in the other forum
Most recent one is this

I just made a playlist of the tracks that are entirely P12
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 03:09:56 AM by BoBSwanS »

Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2015, 10:02:19 AM »
not really music, not really a song... but it's audio recorded from a prophet12!

Sacred Synthesis

Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2015, 08:16:39 AM »
This video is definitely worth listening to.  It shows a side of the Prophet 12 that precious few demonstrations bother to cover.  It does sound good to my ears and I'm happy to hear that the P12 has this much potential in this sonic domain.  I do wish the program had incorporated the B Output option and had panned layers, though, because it would have greatly enhanced the sound.   

In my opinion, both the Poly Evolver Keyboard with a rack and Prophet '08 Keyboard with a module could positively surpass this patch, in terms of depth, richness, and animation.  It was a good challenge, but the older instruments still have it. 

What I'd like to hear next is a Prophet 12 Keyboard with a module, each panned to opposite sides.  If I go in the Prophet 12 direction, this would be my intention.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 10:03:43 PM by Sacred Synthesis »


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Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2015, 11:42:19 AM »
What I'd like to hear next is a Prophet 12 Keyboard with a module, each panned to opposite sides.  If I go in the Prophet 12 direction, this would be my intention.

Remember that Prophet 12 with its DC modulation source allows for stereo panning the voices without use of the Output B option. In other words you don't need both keyboard and module for stereo effects.

What a keyboard/module combo will give you is the option of stereo panning two stacked sounds which gives a total of four filers and sixteen oscillators per key. Or twenty oscillators if you use the suboscillator too! Or it will allow you to stereo pan twelve voices. Offer of the week: only $5200! ;-)

Only downside is that it will not change the overall tone of the instrument  which is root cause for me wanting both analog and digital oscillators in a voice architecture.
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Sacred Synthesis

Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2015, 12:08:39 PM »
Yes, I know that, but the keyboard-module combination creates a superior 12-voice stereo field that doesn't require modulation, and has other advantages as well.  It's an ideal in the process of designing sounds to have individual units in front of you.  It also allows you to differently process each instrument, which deepens the field even more.  For example, it's quite a stunning effect to use a faint sound with lots of reverb as a sort of musical backdrop to the main sound.  I suppose this is why Dave bothered to add the B ouputs.

I haven't played a Prophet 12 myself, but I've listened over and over to all the P12 recordings on YouTube and Soundcloud, and not one has struck me for its stereo depth or even resembled my idea.  I usually hear panning, which is not at all what I have in mind.  The above recording is another example of this.  I'm after a natural sounding stereo/spatial effect - a wideness and a depth - and an instrument jumping from side to side is anything but natural.  To me, it's actually distracting.  And although it's true - pairing an instrument and a module still leaves you with the same instrument - nevertheless, it can unexpectedly improve the overall tone.  That's what I've found with the Poly Evolver and Prophet '08.

I've also experimented with three MIDI-ed Prophet '08s.  The master is centered, while the slaves are panned to opposite sides.  I compared the results with two Prophet '08s panned and was quite surprised by the results.  Even monophonic patches sounded far superior. 
« Last Edit: November 18, 2015, 09:23:39 AM by Sacred Synthesis »

Sacred Synthesis

Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2015, 09:21:43 AM »
Here's a sincere question coming from some one who's never played a Prophet 12.  The last two posts above duplicate an exchange that I've had many times with folks.  I'm always told that the B Outputs are not needed to create a stereo field with the P12, that it can be done with modulation or the stereo spread; and I then respond as I did above. 

Thus far, I haven't heard a single recording of the P12 that used anything like a deep stereo spread, and that includes the video I posted above.  Panning - notes jumping back and forth from side to side - is not even close to what I have in mind.  So, if modulation achieves a deep stereo spread, then what purpose does the B Output feature serve, other than what I've said above?

Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2015, 01:15:29 PM »
A little ambient P12 number for your consideration.

Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2015, 01:32:58 PM »
A little ambient P12 number for your consideration.

Wow - I love this P12 tune, and even joined this forum to say this  ;)


Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2015, 02:26:41 PM »

Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2015, 06:06:46 PM »
Here's a piece I put together a while ago, but only got around to posting last week. Recently my P12 has gotten a lot of use at home, at gigs and in the studio. In the last couple of months I got to be a part of two album projects where the Prophet was able to fill a variety of roles - from atmospheres to front of the mix leads. It's been really sweet!

I intend to write a follow up post talking about a couple of these sessions in more detail. Once the mixing is all done I'll be sure to share that too.

Also note that I'm not much of a filmmaker so my apologies for any quirks of production :).


« Last Edit: November 23, 2015, 08:10:15 PM by AdamPloof »


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Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2015, 01:55:12 PM »
Great tracks, AdamPloof & Makes_Synth_To_Me! :)
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Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2015, 02:28:21 AM »
I have produced a new demo for a bank of 99 patches i have available to purchase

Patches can be purchased here

Enjoy   :)

Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2016, 09:45:23 AM »
Really nice sounds, Bob Swan.

Here is a live improv performance I did with the P12, Infinity Looper, and Bigsky.


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Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2016, 01:17:51 PM »

Great stuff! I am on the third listening now. The BigSky is on my drool list for sure!
cp -f $0 $HOME/.signature

Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2016, 02:41:37 PM »
This was live from an ancient church with a backing track recorded in another ancient church (all originally in quadraphonic) using only Cassandra (my prophet 12) and an old Akai multitrack recorder. My only audience was a random German tourist (he loved it).

Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2016, 05:14:40 AM »
Here's a sincere question coming from some one who's never played a Prophet 12.  The last two posts above duplicate an exchange that I've had many times with folks.  I'm always told that the B Outputs are not needed to create a stereo field with the P12, that it can be done with modulation or the stereo spread; and I then respond as I did above. 

Thus far, I haven't heard a single recording of the P12 that used anything like a deep stereo spread, and that includes the video I posted above.  Panning - notes jumping back and forth from side to side - is not even close to what I have in mind.  So, if modulation achieves a deep stereo spread, then what purpose does the B Output feature serve, other than what I've said above?

For starters I am running my P12 in Quadraphonic - stereo A plus stereo B = four channels and with some canny modulation I can send sounds in any direction. There must be any number of possible spatial configurations. I toyed with Left A being the same sound as Right B so I could modulate from Right A to Left A/Right B to Left B which let me smoothly transition between a much greater range of sounds than before. I believe that the tiny manual just touches on the surface of what can be achieved with this synth. A lot of folks seem to be interested in what old sounds can be recreated, but my preference is to push boundaries. I recommend two stereo output pedals (for A and B) which enables blending of the two voices.

Sacred Synthesis

Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2016, 05:35:56 AM »
Any possibility you could post a recording here?  Again, I've never actually heard the effect I'm describing.

Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2016, 04:18:02 PM »
I finished a track today in which I, apart from piano, used nothing but the Prophet 12 and a BigSky. Some mixing going on of course but no additional instruments or samples other than the aforementioned piano.

I figured it would fit nicely in this thread.
Prophet 12

Re: Prophet 12 Music
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2016, 02:22:24 AM »
Improvisation done when I first got the p12, was'nt really going so save it but what the heck..(the two newest tracks probably got some p12 in them too but mixed with some roland fa)