FEAT.REQ: Simultaneous Sequencer and Arp

FEAT.REQ: Simultaneous Sequencer and Arp
« on: February 20, 2018, 04:57:54 PM »
Please, dear DSI,

it would be very useful to have sequencer and arpeggiator play together at the same time (with a sequencer, feeding arp with notes ). No hardware fix needed, it's not so difficult but P6 will be 100.000.000 times cooler for complex sequences as before! 

one more time - ARP midi out please!


Re: FEAT.REQ: Simultaneous Sequencer and Arp
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2018, 04:48:24 AM »
I would suspect the capability is nearly there.  On the P-6' cousin, the OB-6, it is possible to enable an Arpeggio over a Sequence.  This is capable, if you have the desktop module.   If you have the OB-6 module, mapped to a keyboard… have at it.  You can map the Sequencer Start/Stop via the NRPNs in the Manual.  Do the same with the Arp Stop / Start NRPNs.  With these mapped to your controller – you can start a Sequence, then enable the Arpeggio for your patch.  Holding keys will fire off your arpeggio, during a sequence.. 
Order matters.  You need to fire up the Sequencer first, then the arpeggiator.   Like I said, this is on the OB-6 desktop module.  I have things mapped to my Axiom Pro 61.

Since the P6 shares these internal bits with the OB-6, I wouldn't be surprised if the capability isn't hidden inside the P6 too.  In any case -- it seems the art of the possible, is nearly there, with both these instruments.


Re: FEAT.REQ: Simultaneous Sequencer and Arp
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2018, 05:51:59 AM »
I don't think there's going to be another update for the P6, OB6 or even REV2 in regards to the on board sequencers any time soon.

Re: FEAT.REQ: Simultaneous Sequencer and Arp
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2018, 06:37:57 AM »
nice to know! yes, it is not something completely impossible, and I was surprised about it wasn't implemented from the beginning...

I would suspect the capability is nearly there.  On the P-6' cousin, the OB-6, it is possible to enable an Arpeggio over a Sequence.  This is capable, if you have the desktop module.   If you have the OB-6 module, mapped to a keyboard… have at it.  You can map the Sequencer Start/Stop via the NRPNs in the Manual.  Do the same with the Arp Stop / Start NRPNs.  With these mapped to your controller – you can start a Sequence, then enable the Arpeggio for your patch.  Holding keys will fire off your arpeggio, during a sequence.. 
Order matters.  You need to fire up the Sequencer first, then the arpeggiator.   Like I said, this is on the OB-6 desktop module.  I have things mapped to my Axiom Pro 61.

Since the P6 shares these internal bits with the OB-6, I wouldn't be surprised if the capability isn't hidden inside the P6 too.  In any case -- it seems the art of the possible, is nearly there, with both these instruments.

Re: FEAT.REQ: Simultaneous Sequencer and Arp
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2018, 06:42:13 AM »
why? I know the DSI policy about the updates (as a former Tempest user... ), but these sequencer things are quite basic and so logical... yes, we can still use external seq/arps, but having it onboard change things a lot...

I don't think there's going to be another update for the P6, OB6 or even REV2 in regards to the on board sequencers any time soon.


Re: FEAT.REQ: Simultaneous Sequencer and Arp
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2018, 07:19:52 AM »
why? I know the DSI policy about the updates (as a former Tempest user... ), but these sequencer things are quite basic and so logical... yes, we can still use external seq/arps, but having it onboard change things a lot...

I don't think there's going to be another update for the P6, OB6 or even REV2 in regards to the on board sequencers any time soon.

Dude I've been asking for the ability to transpose the sequence on the fly without having to hold down the RECORD button ever since the Prophet 6 came out, we are 2 more synths from the P6 and the issue is still the same. I don't hold my breath anymore. I just work around it.