I could be wrong, but squares tuned an octave apart have a distinct and totally different sound. You might as well try both.
After listening to it again, I'd say there is also a 2' pitch. The difficult thing with imitating those old synthesizer movie sound tracks is that they often over-dubbed the synthesizer. It sounds as if one track might have been played on top of another, with one having a slightly darker filter setting than the other. Hence, you can hear the difference at the imprecise release of each track. Just a guess.
For the filter, I would say set the Env Amount to "127" or just short of it, and with no resonance. You might also want to experiment with the 2-pole setting. For the envelopes, set the attacks to about "6" (so that it doesn't "pop" with each note strike), the sustains to "127," and the releases to about "40."