Popping Sounds On My Prophet 6 right out the Box

Popping Sounds On My Prophet 6 right out the Box
« on: July 02, 2018, 12:11:23 PM »
I purchased my Prophet 6 on June 23 2018. From Day one I started hearing popping sounds when playing the Keys. I had it connected to my set-up and plugged into a keyboard amp and same results. I contacted DSI the very next day. To this day, this has not be resolved, nothing but back and forth testing with the same results. My first initial test was to open up the synths and reinsert some boards. After just spending $2700 who want's to do that? Then another test, take out one of the boards, is it on all the the patches, some patches, hold a key count to 12 etc. I even asked if I could send the board out and I was told shipping would be my responsibility. After displaying some frustrations I pretty much was told that these test have to be done to determine what it is to send me so I could replace. So frustrating on all levels.

Re: Popping Sounds On My Prophet 6 right out the Box
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2018, 03:05:35 PM »
Sorry to hear you're having trouble with your new Prophet-6. I had a look at your support ticket and I see that we are in fact covering shipping both ways for you.

I understand being frustrated with testing, especially on a new instrument, but we can't simply send or receive parts without first diagnosing the problem otherwise we run the risk of not properly resolving the issue. We do appreciate your patience and understanding, and I have confidence we'll have you up and running shortly.