NOTE: If you purchased a new unit that shipped with a higher OS number than 1.7.5, please do not downgrade. If you need assistance with your synth, please contact OS is compatible with both the keyboard and desktop module; it will display as "1.7.5" after the update. The OS update may hang on "1" after the second countdown. If the Prophet-6 does not reboot automatically after the second countdown, wait 60 seconds and then power cycle.
Not that we're expecting bad things to happen, but always better safe than sorry. Just remember, you're never going to say to yourself "Man, I wish I hadn't backed that up..."
We do not recommend using the following MIDI interfaces for sysex transfers as we have had multiple users experience problems with them:
- Native Instruments Maschine
- Digidesign Mbox/Mbox2
- Digidesign 001/002
Updating the Prophet 6 OSTo check if the OS update was properly installed, restart the unit and the version number will be displayed on startup in the bank/program LCD
If your OS update failed:
- Update your MIDI drivers for your MIDI interface to the latest or last known stable version
- Try alternate speed settings: transfer speed settings as low as 25% and as high as 100% have worked for some users when 80% did not
- Try an alternate MIDI interface. The M-Audio MIDI Sport Uno works well here and is relatively cheap
- In Windows with MIDI OX on Windows XP: Try doubling or quadrupling the Size setting to start, and halving/doubling the number of buffers
- Search google and/or forums for the company that produces your MIDI interface to see if other users are having similar problems with Sysex transfers and whether there is a solution specific to your interface
- If you are on Windows XP, try another OS or machine. Although it's not ideal, we have had less problems with Mac OSX and Windows 7. Windows XP has known issues with sysex transfers
INSTALLATION NOTE: It is recommended to reset globals after installing a Main OS update (GLOBALS + WRITE)
Main OS 1.7.5
- Bug: Pitchbend Sends Incorrect MIDI data when MPE enabled
- Bug: Received Poly Aftertouch commands glitchy when MPE enabled
- Bug: Resolved issues with Aftertouch Curve #7
Main OS 1.6.6
- Feature: New improved aftertouch curves
- Bug: Pitchbend not working correctly with MPE active
- Bug: Arp/Seq note output active, stopping sequencer not sending note offs and causing hung notes
Main OS 1.6.3
- Feature: MPE support
- Feature: Slop selectable between normal slop and Vintage operation
Main OS 1.6.2
- Fixed bug: Improvements to ARP BEAT SYNC operation
- Fixed bug: CC5 sent from portamento mode parameter. Now sent from RATE parameter
Main OS 1.5.9
- Fixed bug: internal MIDI sync, arp beat sync on, arp onset not quantized
Main OS 1.5.4
- Fixed bug: Additional Polychain improvement
Main OS 1.5.2
- Feature: New Global Param: Arp Beat Sync On/Off. Global row 2 number 9
- Feature: MIDI Out for the Arp/Sequencer - Param Xmit Global options CAS (CC + MIDI Out for arp/seq) and nAS (NRPN + MIDI Out for arp/seq)
- Feature: Sequencer now transposes from keyboard/MIDI notes on UNISON patches
- Fixed bug: Improved Polychain implementation and fixed bugs
- Fixed bug: Various small bug fixes
- Known Issue: Polychain: Program Changes received at the MIDI IN of the master will change programs on the master, but are not passed to the slave.
Main OS 1.4.0
- Fixed bug: Resolved a fringe issue causing a very small number of units in the field to intermittently fail to produce audio or to have static noise in the digital effects
- Fixed bug: Velocity table #3 treats max velocity (value of 127) as zero velocity
Main OS 1.2.12c
- Fixed bug: sequencer on, patch change to a patch with arp on causes sequence to not play when new patch is loaded
- Feature: Added 4 additional velocity curves
Main OS 1.2.10b
- Fixed bug: OS update freezes at end of countdown and unit does not reboot on its own
- Fixed bug: Oscillator params and Distortion not working correctly in passthru potmode
- Fixed bug: Adding rests before first note in sequence causes entered rests to be played as a note
- Fixed bug: Stop/Start/Continue messages not passed to USB port when clock mode IN-OUT
- Fixed bug: Program Change messages sent on wrong MIDI channel
Main OS 1.2.8b
- Feature: Decrement step when recording to sequencer added
- Feature: INC/DEC through programs - Hold Bank Select and press Tens Select to increment, Hold Tens Select and press Bank Select to decrement
- Feature: OB6 FX added - 2 Flangers, Ring mod, and 1 additional phaser model
- Feature: LED dot illuminates in main screen when parameter knob is set to last saved value for the parameter
- Fixed bug: PolyAftertouch to LFO amount not working correctly
- Fixed bug: Fixes to relative and passthru pot modes
- Fixed bug: MIDI start/stop/continue commands not passed to MIDI out when MIDI clock parameter set to IN-OUT
- Fixed bug: Screens refreshed when external MIDI controller data received
- Fixed bug: Local off - FX not refreshed until MIX parameter used
- Fixed bug: LFO/Delay sync when external clocked
- Fixed bug: Sequencer resetting note priority
Main OS
- Polychain added to "MIDI out" globals
- Fixed bug: LPF voice 1 flat in self resonance
- Fixed bug: Trigger input max rate limited to 16th notes at 126BPM
- Fixed bug: program and FX mix screens refreshed when external MIDI controller data received
- Fixed bug: synced delay/LFO rates not refreshed correctly when switching between programs
- Fixed bug: program change messages sent on wrong MIDI channel