i have beat where all the pads are routed to L/R, and it's all good. but as soon as i plug a cable into any of the others outs I heard some sounds coming out of that out every 6th hit. it's like it's cycling through the outs and if nothing is plugged in it routes to L/R.
is this normal or do i have something not set correctly?
I think this question has been asked and answered a thousand times or more over the years. I'm wondering, Yorgos, if you have the authority as a moderator to post a sticky thread covering some FAQ's at the top of this new forum?
Anyway, denov, the reason for this is because the Tempest cycles through voices with each new note that is triggered, as do most polysynths. This works to your advantage most of the time, because you have 32 possible sounds but only 6 voices to work with. So if you have six sounds sustaining or decaying and you trigger a seventh sound, the internal voice allocation algorithm will steal a voice from the sound with the least remaining amplitude in order to accommodate the new sound...
What you're not understanding about the individual voice-outs is that they are hardwired to their respective synth voices. This means that when you plug a cable into one of these jacks, you are effectively removing that voice from the signal path altogether: i.e. from the main-outs, from the master FX, etc.
So when you have a cable plugged into one of the voice-outs, as the Tempest randomly cycles through voices, whatever sound gets picked up by that voice will then appear at that output momentarily as you've observed. To avoid this behavior you can assign sounds to specific voices. You do that via the 'Choke and Voice Assign' page, the shortcut to which is holding 'Shift' and pushing the 'Mod Paths' button...
At any rate, this is all in the manual, not 30 pages in; so for the love of music, folks,
please read it. May this be the last time this question needs to be asked (wink).