There are four variations in the attached zip file. I accidentally overwrote the patch in the previous post when I started playing around with the basic sound; I thought it was rather too bright / harsh. The first is the basic sound using sawtooth waves. The second uses PWM and is a bit more mellow. The third is best solo above middle C, and the fourth is a variation on that. The third and fourth patches modulate the filter from bandpass to lowpass to give a rather different effect.
They all use an inverted filter envelope: the filter attack sets the duration of the bowed effect. To adjust the depth, find the point where the '.' appears in the display for the filter envelope amount then go towards zero for less effect or in the negative direction to increase it, then adjust the cutoff to suit.
I was trying for something like a patch I created for my 002 some time ago (audio file attached) but couldn't really get there.
Have fun with the patches.

Edit: When you send the patches to the OB-6 they'll load into the edit buffer rather than a specific memory location. You can then write them to whatever location you want.