Bug with aux envelopes controlling decimate or hack?

Bug with aux envelopes controlling decimate or hack?
« on: November 12, 2016, 11:16:28 AM »
I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere but maybe it's a known issue... if I assign an aux envelope to either decimate or hack, I just get a weird distorted sound with what almost sounds like an LFO being applied.

I actually have the same problem on my P12 but noticed it on the Pro2.

Maybe I'm just doing something wrong?

Here's my process:

 - Init basic patch
 - Set Env 4 destination (env 3 on the P12) to decimate or hack
 - Envelope settings A: 0, D: 0, S: 127, R: 0, repeat off, delay 0
 - Set envelope amount to maximum

It doesn't sound like the regular decimation or hack settings at all.

Re: Bug with aux envelopes controlling decimate or hack?
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2016, 06:27:36 PM »
Testing out your process, using an aux env to modulate either Decimate or Hack results in it sounding exactly like it should when turning either parameter up to max (127).  Check to see if it sounds the same through headphones.

Re: Bug with aux envelopes controlling decimate or hack?
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2016, 09:06:16 AM »
Thanks for looking. I since got the results I expected. I'm going to chalk this one up to user error...