I do appreciate the pressures that continual new product development and release can bring to a small team. On the other hand, I would expect DSI to spare a moments thought for those who have buggy, unfinished products (the proceeds of which are funding DSI's new products) and try to balance their resources a bit better.
To me, standing all the way over here, I would have thought hiring an additional programmer to assist Chris with the various firmwares would cover all bases. It would keep current customers happy and reduce the not-insignificant bad word of mouth that is popping up in all the usual internetsy places.
It is a testament to their synths that I have continued to buy their products (most recently a P6) despite a snail's pace of bug fixes / OS upgrades, so I really wish they would spend a few dollars on bulking up their programming resources. I find it hard to believe the funds are not there to do this. So it must come down to Dave's (or a financial advisor) strategy / business ideology, to squeeze every last breath out of the current resources available.
Also, getting back to the point at hand (!), there are quite a few mod destinations visible, but greyed out, in my OS. Surely these are promised features that are committed to be part of the product - so where are they, years after release? The more I think about it, the more parallels I see with the Tempest fiasco. Anyway, I'm going in circles now

TLDR: DSI, fix the Pro2 for summer please. Don't go down the Tempest rabbithole. Reinvest some of your profit into hiring an additional programmer, and then, keep making fantastic synths.