there was a time i was patient with companies. But as some can probably attest with even Robot Heart referring us to take a look at the industry and how it handles things, one thing is very clear. most customers became so complacent (including myself) like "oh , thanks for your update, nicely written, yeah, give them space and room, be polite (my favorite) blah, blah, blah", that companies have taken advantage of this by thinking, fools, theres little need to finish a product or beta test it properly before selling, 60-70% is good enough, it turns on, makes a drop sound great, enough! and why not.. when you light up peoples bulbs with possibilities especially dreamer types like musicians, make them hand over money, then, simply get them unwillingly recruited as beta-monkeys, you've scored big. thats reality and not only DSI but the industry as a whole right ? Robot Heart, nothing personal brotha. so think twice where and how your money is spent and how polite you should be sometimes when confronted with this behavior . i mean , they think most of us still rely only on factory presets, lol