+/- Sawtooth Waveforms

+/- Sawtooth Waveforms
« on: January 15, 2025, 10:50:10 PM »

1. Prophet 6: In the LFO section of the user manual, the illustration shows a positive sawtooth (ramp up, vertical down) & negative reverse sawtooth (vertical up, ramp down.)

2. Trigon 6: In the oscillator section of the user manual, OSC-123 are negative sawtooth waveforms which makes them fixed as reverse waveforms. This cannot be because of the two sawtooth wave shapes in oscillator 3, the positive sawtooth is the actual reverse waveform, as it says so in the manual.

Either one of these user manuals is incorrect or maybe there is a bit more in depth I am not understanding.

Re: +/- Sawtooth Waveforms
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2025, 06:04:04 AM »

1. Prophet 6: In the LFO section of the user manual, the illustration shows a positive sawtooth (ramp up, vertical down) & negative reverse sawtooth (vertical up, ramp down.)

2. Trigon 6: In the oscillator section of the user manual, OSC-123 are negative sawtooth waveforms which makes them fixed as reverse waveforms. This cannot be because of the two sawtooth wave shapes in oscillator 3, the positive sawtooth is the actual reverse waveform, as it says so in the manual.

Either one of these user manuals is incorrect or maybe there is a bit more in depth I am not understanding.

I'm presuming the waveforms have been mirrored. This is why the positive flipped waveform is called the reverse waveform in the Trigon 6. If the positive waveform was default in OSC3, then it would be a ramp up, vertical down shape and not a reverse waveform.

Re: +/- Sawtooth Waveforms
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2025, 01:58:01 AM »
I'm thinking the waveforms have been mirrored. This is why the positive flipped waveform is termed the reverse waveform in the Trigon 6.

Re: +/- Sawtooth Waveforms
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2025, 09:06:30 AM »
I'm thinking the waveforms have been mirrored. This is why the positive flipped waveform is termed the reverse waveform in the Trigon 6.

Hey Justin! I'm thinking your mirror has been mirrored! Your suggestion is very suggestive. By the way, you're not the same Justin from the Watercooler Babies are you? I had all your cassettes back in the day. You guys were not only terrific, but also FAB! Can you speak to that?

Re: +/- Sawtooth Waveforms
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2025, 12:00:17 PM »
I'm thinking the waveforms have been mirrored. This is why the positive flipped waveform is termed the reverse waveform in the Trigon 6.

??? okay, thanks for the terminology edits (thinking/termed.)