Externally sequenced paraphonic sequence

Externally sequenced paraphonic sequence
« on: January 15, 2025, 09:34:41 AM »
Hey there,

I have an external sequencer (oxi one) and want to run two sequences into the Pro 3, one for each of the first two oscillators.

Is that possible?

It kind of works when I set the Pro3 to listen to all midi channels while sending both sequences to channels 1 & 2 but it sounds weird, as if there was some glide going on (basic patch).

Also, when I turn down one oscillator I hear that notes from both sequences are randomly sent to each Osc.

Best, Daniel

Re: Externally sequenced paraphonic sequence
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2025, 09:09:15 AM »
Ok, I figured it out using the cv inputs. In case anybody is trying to do something similar and has cv outputs on their sequencer, here goes:

For each oscillator controlled externally:
1. Set Osc to "Key follow = Off"
2. Add Mod-Slot with source cv-N and destination osc course frequency, value 127
3. Adjust cv-N offset and scale from global menu until sequenced notes are tracking locally played notes perfectly (I used a sequence of ovtaves).
4. Set sequencer to "trigger"
5. Set sequencer to be triggered from a cv input in settings
6. Send a trigger from your sequencer to that cv

There is obviously a single trigger only but that's a soundwise interesting restriction in it's own.
I also used a stack cable to route multiple triggers into the single trigger input so I can switch which sequence is triggering (or both) on the fly.

The reason why I'm using an external sequencer is the option to switch and or chain multiple sequences or create longer, evolving sequences.

Re: Externally sequenced paraphonic sequence
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2025, 01:44:49 AM »
Cool, thank you.