Question on P6/OBX8


Question on P6/OBX8
« on: January 11, 2025, 03:31:45 PM »
Hi everyone! First post here. I am considering to buy a desktop version of the P6 or OBx8. I have been wanting the P6 since it came out, and now that I have the cash, the OB came out a couple of years ago. Of course I know it’s different, but truth is that no one has the OB in my country, so I need to rely on YouTube videos, which might not be accurate in sound. However, judging by many comments, sound wise the OB is superior in fatness, movement, etc. it looks like very one who reviews it is mind blown by its sound, though I do know the P6 produces that same effect on me. Still, the lack of sequencer, poor arp and lack of effects worry me a bit. Also poliphony worries me, considering I do play music and sometimes (not necessarily always) I use four fingers in right hand plus three on left. For context: I am not a professional musician nor a producer, just a serious enthusiast who now can afford to buy any of those at my forties and who plays at home as a sort of meditation, mixing arp basses, loops, drum machines, playing scales with pianos at the top, pads, etc. I  have a sub37, an Elektron Analog Keys, a jxp8 (which I am considering to sell for funding the new one), and a Nord stage 3. I know many say that the OB should not be your only analog poly, and that P6 is more all rounder, but I am not sure if that qualifies to me. I would really appreciate any insights or comments, particularly from those who have both synths. The only thing is that “get the two” is not an option in my case! :). Thanks in advance for any help!

Re: Question on P6/OBX8
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2025, 08:18:07 PM »
Yello there! I actually own both and whole heartedly state that the OB-X8 bounces all over the P6. Sure you lose the sequencer and effects but hell you can just use a DAW go crazy and if you're really uptight about dawless setups sure you can also do both with hardware sequencers and effects pedals. To be honest my Prophet-6 is going to the eighty-sixed soon in favor of the Obie. The 2.0 binaural mode is pretty sick.

Re: Question on P6/OBX8
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2025, 04:15:21 AM »
I had P6 begore (and P5/10 rev 4 now) and the OB-X8:

The OB-X8 is a very great synth but  it for all. The P6 (as I owned before the P5 rev was released) has a more “modern” sound and more possibilities while the OB-X8 sounds more classic and by today’s standard limited. A middle way between these to is maybe OB-6 that has about same possibilities as the P6 but still possess the Oberheim sound.

I tried out the Teo-5 in a music store but it sounded more like my old Matrix-1000 - modern and great but not the same claws and muscles as the OB-X8. I’m all in for old school classic sounds when I use analog synths, therefore I chose the OB-X8 and completely happy with that. If I was looking for another timbre palette maybe I would chose something else.


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Re: Question on P6/OBX8
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2025, 05:22:43 AM »
Hi there,

I use both the X8 and P10 Rev 4 desktop versions, but I don’t know the P6 other than through videos.

Price wise, the P10 sits in between your two contenders. If you worry about effects, a combo à la P10 desktop plus a Strymon Deco V2 are about the same price as an X8. There are other analog synth desktop alternatives to be considered in addition to the OB-6: GS e7 (7 voices with ladder filter), Trigon 6 (6 voice with ladder filter).

You have mentioned meditative purposes. In this case, I’d personally go for an Expressive E Osmose plus a reverb effects pedal: way more expressive and truly complementary to your Nord, alas not analog. Shaping sounds with your own performance is a very captivating experience, pure meditation.


Re: Question on P6/OBX8
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2025, 07:35:54 AM »
Thank you all for the help. My sense is that  undoubtedly the OBX8 gets to sound places where no other gets to. I do have a good pedal reverb that might solve that front but I am still doubting about the tweak/control immediacy of the OBX8. OB6 is out of the table for now. I do recognize the Oberheim in it but to me lacks part of its lushness/movement that the OBX8 has. Still struggling with the decision, but now I have more clarity thanks to your insights!