Take 5 Screen Saver bug?

Take 5 Screen Saver bug?
« on: January 04, 2025, 10:38:43 AM »
Hi. First post. New Take 5 owner here. I've had my Take 5 for about a week now and I love it. However, I am noticing a weird behavior where the tuning goes haywire after the unit has been sitting idle for a little while. Random notes on different keys, not chromatic, and some keys even play multiple notes. Thinking that this was part of the normal "break-in" process, I fixed it the first few times using the global calibrate oscillators function and then discovered that power cycling also restores the tuning. My unit came loaded with the 2.0 firmware.

On a hunch, I turned off the screen saver in global setting and this seems to have fixed the issue. Left it on overnight w screen saver disabled and no tuning issues. Anyone else experiencing this?

tl:dr Tuning becomes random when idling for a while. Disabling the screen saver fixes the issue.

Re: Take 5 Screen Saver bug?
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2025, 07:21:59 PM »
I feel like it took about a week or so to settle-in to my studio, it's been pitch-stable ever since. That said, I use my T5 on the desktop and disconnect when not in use so maybe it hasn't been on long enough to exhibit the problem.

First I've heard of this, fwiw.