mpe in OBX8 how does it work?

mpe in OBX8 how does it work?
« on: December 22, 2024, 02:48:36 AM »
Anyone using mpe with an external Roli Keyboard on the OBX8? Have installed and the roli keys attached. MIDI works  but don´t find any hints anywhere to make mpe working. Is it a question of further tweaking, of special- to program - sounds, of any hidden function to activate...whatever. Anybody out here who got it working and has some helpful ideas?


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Re: mpe in OBX8 how does it work?
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2024, 05:40:25 AM »
Yes, setting up expressivity is not exactly plug and play because of a few conditions that need to be met beyond merely flipping the MPE switch on both devices.

On your Roli hardware, you need to map the cc’s supported by X8 to Roli’s physical expression dimensions. On the X8, you will need to fine-tune the sound to respond to those cc’s, eg by making it respond to after-touch or by closing the filter a little to let it be opened up later, etc.

You may also need to align the max pitch bend range to the smallest range that either device can achieve, so that MPE X responds properly - I can’t remember whether X8 has a limit here or whether it simply adheres to the 24 or 48 semitones standards.