The Prophet X isn't really a wavetable synth, so many of the options here aren't strictly necessary. You just need to import .wav samples and map them to the keyboard with your favorite Prophet X-aware instrument preparation utility (I'd recommend PXToolkit, but I might have a little bias in that regard!)
With a single sample mapped to the entire keyboard you'll quickly find out at the default pitch-shifting algorithm won't pitch a sample up more than an octave or two, with the exact amount depending on the sample rate of the sample. You can get a little tricky by creating multiple samples at different rates and lie about the root notes they're on (adding a 22kHz sample up an octave from the actual pitch will act like a 44kHz sample, giving you another octave of reach.) Or you can use the sample stretch which will use a lower quality resampling technique to stretch a single sample all the way up and down the keyboard.
Wavetables are implicitly looped, so it's possible the .wav files won't include loop information. If they don't, PXToolkit will import these as one-shot samples initially, but if you switch them to looped it will assume the entire sample is the loop - which is correct in this case. Your milage may vary with other tools.