Hi, a few days ago in a rehearsal i played a sequence with my band (the first thing I played that day with the synth) and something sounded weird detuned. Was so strange because some notes randomly were sounding detuned or like a doubled note weird out of tune mixed with the key I was playing. In this rehearsal I did the Calibration and seems to fix the problem. But today I have just turned on the synth again in my studio and the thing is here again. Did the calibration again and now it doesn't work. Did the calibration again, and also calibrate the wheels and the problem its still there.
I have just now realized that playing one key all the time it seems like a problem with one of the voices because I counted and 1 - 2 -3 - 4 goes ok, and the 5th note its this weird doubled detuned note, and then again 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 are ok, and then the fifth again bad .
Any advice or idea what is happening? And if this have a solution? Im thinking of making a backup of my banks and do a factory reset. Do you thing this could work? I have a concert in 10 days and take5 Its my main live synth.
Thanks in advance.