Take 5 one voice its sounding detuned or doubled.

Take 5 one voice its sounding detuned or doubled.
« on: November 14, 2024, 02:08:31 PM »
Hi, a few days ago in a rehearsal i played a sequence with my band (the first thing I played that day with the synth) and something sounded weird detuned. Was so strange because some notes randomly were sounding detuned or like a doubled note weird out of tune mixed with the key I was playing. In this rehearsal I did the Calibration and seems to fix the problem. But today I have just turned on the synth again in my studio and the thing is here again. Did the calibration again and now it doesn't work. Did the calibration again, and also calibrate the wheels and the problem its still there.

I have just now realized that playing one key all the time it seems like a problem with one of the voices because I counted and 1 - 2 -3 - 4 goes ok, and the 5th note its this weird doubled detuned note, and then again 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 are ok, and then the fifth again bad .

Any advice or idea what is happening? And if this have a solution? Im thinking of making a backup of my banks and do a factory reset. Do you thing this could work? I have a concert in 10 days and take5 Its my main live synth.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Take 5 one voice its sounding detuned or doubled.
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2024, 04:56:12 PM »
Reach out to support@sequential.com if you haven't already. I would also recommend checking out the troubleshooting guide: there are instructions for clearing calibration then rerunning cal in there. Bear in mind that after you clear cal, you will likely need to run calibration a handful of times over the course of using the synth to regain consistent, stable tuning.

Sequential | Oberheim

Re: Take 5 one voice its sounding detuned or doubled.
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2024, 11:14:46 PM »
Hi Gus, i already did that and all the trouble shooting page steps. Problem is still there. When you say a handful of times do the calibration, how many aproximate? 5? 10? 30? .

Also im doing calibration again, and the problem its on voice 4. Its the one that its doing the double detuned note. And doing the calibration it stops on the step "voice 4 , oscillator 1 , tunning frequency 1" for minutes . Right now it's not going forward of that step.  :-\
« Last Edit: November 14, 2024, 11:23:41 PM by Karmakoma »

Re: Take 5 one voice its sounding detuned or doubled.
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2024, 06:44:51 AM »
I feel like a couple or three calibration attempts isn't unreasonable but more than that for me would a cause for concern -- your issue def sounds like a contact support for repair options kind of thing. Sorry, and good luck.

Re: Take 5 one voice its sounding detuned or doubled.
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2024, 09:01:18 AM »
Thanks Lewis, I have done that and I am waiting for an answer of the support team. As soon as I know what is happening I´ll post here to anyone that this could helps. But I´m starting to have a bad sensation because randomly it get stucked in the calibration process just in the voice 4 oscillator 1 and have to turn off the synth. So what I´m interpreting its that there is a serious problem with voice 4. Also I have to say that I've been playing with it in my studio and live for a year and very happy with the sound and the reliability, and this thing just started to happen after a live show that we had to stop because of the weather (cold and rain). Synth didnt suffer anything, always carried with a hard flight case. but let's see what they tell me.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2024, 09:04:50 AM by Karmakoma »

Re: Take 5 one voice its sounding detuned or doubled.
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2024, 02:11:44 AM »
Updating situation.

After a few emails with the excellent suppport team of sequential, they confirmed that voice4 must be damaged and that's the reason the calibration can't do the process. I have to return my synth to the shop for repair (fortunately it's still on the 2 years warranty). For this moment and to being able to use the synth in my next concert they gave me a solution that was to deactivate the voice 4 by doing a key command while playing the voice that is damaged. I have to do it every time I turn on the synth, but after this.. calibration its ok and synth sound without problem. So now I have a Take4 and do all the process for repairing my synth....

Re: Take 5 one voice its sounding detuned or doubled.
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2024, 08:56:40 AM »
For this moment and to being able to use the synth in my next concert they gave me a solution that was to deactivate the voice 4 by doing a key command while playing the voice that is damaged. I have to do it every time I turn on the synth, but after this.. calibration its ok and synth sound without problem. So now I have a Take4 and do all the process for repairing my synth....

Glad to hear you are getting taken care of -- care to share the process of isolating a misbehaving voice?