so Im curious. I have Two OB6 keyboard. One DSI and one Sequential.
They sound a bit different. Both 1.7.4 both loaded with same factory patches (I made sure). I reset the temp table and recalibrated both yadiyada.
But for instance patch 000 sounds like the filter is a bit more open on the Sequential. and thats true across the board.
If you open the filter on both they sound pretty much the same.
I find this odd. Anyone noticed that?
The other replies here saying this isn't uncommon are pretty spot on. They're the same synth, but all of the intricacies that make them analog will make them... different! Age, temperature, component tolerance, and a bunch of other factors contribute to the small variances unit to unit, or batch to batch.
I'll copy a reply from a similar thread (Prophet-6, though).
'Changes in production happen fairly often, especially with something like the Prophet-6 (and OB-6) which has been manufactured for over 8 years. Parts can get EOL'd or might get hard to get, new versions become available, parts get priced out, and so on. With that said, there have been no changes to the core voice of the Prophet-6/OB-6. Slight variation is expected unit to unit given the density of components in the signal path, and on an older unit things like age, component tolerance, or use might have a slight impact as well. Calibration and climate also play a factor. They're still built in SF, from serial 1 and on.'