Would any Pro 3 owners.....

Would any Pro 3 owners.....
« on: October 10, 2024, 09:58:26 PM »
Be willing to sample the wavetables so that I might import them into the Prophet X? Preferably five octaves of a “C” and “G#” and using a slow envelope to scan through the various tables. That will hopefully give me enough time to use the sample loop point to isolate various waves.

If anyone would be willing to do this it would be most appreciated and I’ll be doing a video demonstrating these in action.


Re: Would any Pro 3 owners.....
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2024, 04:27:25 AM »
There's a much better way:

A very good and free program that allows you to make, edit , playback and manipulate any wavetable.

I've used it to make and edit tables for the pro3 (available in my sound pack) and other wavetable hardware and software.

You could use it to get any single cycle waveform or sweep from any wavetable out there.