I think this is likely a garden-variety MIDI issue, so I'm not yet sending this to Support, but... in recent days my Prophet 6 has been losing audio. Meaning, after a while working fine, the audio goes silent. Just now, after I powered the synth back on, I I had around 10 minutes before the synth went silent.
I use my P6 as master controller and did rejig things a few days ago. I'd been having problems with MIDI routing, but it turned out only to be a defective MIDI cable. Still, all my blind rewiring (MIDI is a mystery to me, still...) seemed to have knocked a few other things out of whack - my Trigon went wobbly and out of tune, requiring a pitch/mod wheel calibration.
I don't know if this is also to do with Logic, or what.
Is there at least a recommended clean start approach to trouble-shooting all this?
(For what it's worth, the P6 is still outputting MIDI notes - I can see the notes listed in Logic as I hit the keys on the synth...)