MIDI implementation (sysex) documentation - manual mistakes, info anywhere?


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Hi all, I have been asked if it is possible for the KnobKraft Orm to support the OB-X8 (also in firmware 2.x version), and
when it first came out I could not find the MIDI implementation in the usual section of the manual. In the meantime, it has been added.

But I think there are some copy/paste errors in the current manual (2.1) - it lists the Oberheim  X8 ID as 0b00110011 (page 124), which is actually the ID of the desktop module of the Prophet 5, on page 125 and following the ID is listed as being 0b00110001, which is actually the ID of the Pro-3. Note that the title of the OB-X8 manual (displayed in the title of the browser window tab) is also Pro-3 Users manual, indicating the file has been copied.

My early look at some files from the OB-X8 had indicated the ID to be rather two bytes, namely 0x10, 0x58...

is the correct information to be found somewhere? If the OB-X8 firmware is based on the original DSI firmware like all other synths than the Tempest, getting it hooked up to KnobKraft should be a matter of minutes, and I have users asking for it :-)
Check out the free Sysex Librarian for Sequential and more https://github.com/christofmuc/KnobKraft-orm