LOVING this synth so far, but I wanted to report a couple of issues:
(let me know if this is not the right place to submit issues)
1.) Sequencer: I cannot get the step sequencer to wrap around, when rests are entered manually. For example, an 8 note sequence sounds like its playing 8.5-9 steps when the last step is a REST. I've changed clocking mode, sync, etc. Meanwhile any steps entered manually seem to wrap perfectly, as long as the last step isn't a REST.
2.) I can't get the S+H waveform on either LFO to act like the RANDOM parameter with a new random positive (or bi-polar) value, no matter if SYNC is on or not. Also, CLOCK divide isn't quite tracking; anything above 1/8th sounds like its 1/32 or faster? Expectation: a S+H waveform puts out a bi-polar value at rate.
3.) I regularly use SPREAD (SPRD in the TEO?) to pan voices but cannot find this as a destination to get this to work, even when modulating to PANNING. I believe it should be bi-polar, but can only get it to pan to one side. PANNING/SPRD is a voice SOURCE, but perhaps shouldn't be?
4.) Unison should have panning spread automatically; one voice is mono, while two or more voices are panned left/right or forced to be binaural. The OB-X8 does this perfectly in its new 2.0 firmware.
5.) LFO's values are logarithmic numerically instead of percentage; a value of 1 to ALL OSC FREQ should be barely pitch warble, but 1 sounds more like 10%, 3 is way too much, 5 is almost unusable.
Feature Request: I wish the FX parameters would show up on screen. As is, you have to feel them out via the knobs.