Oscillator pitch one octave below displayed value

Oscillator pitch one octave below displayed value
« on: July 28, 2024, 09:29:16 AM »
Hello there,

I have a peculiar problem that resets and calibrations haven't resolved. The pitch of both oscillators is one octave below the expected pitch, i.e. C2 on the keyboard is output as C1. Same thing when midi received. This happens when the patch is initialised so isn't part of a program. Has anybody come across this before?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Oscillator pitch one octave below displayed value
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2024, 11:00:58 AM »
If I play the note A3(midi note 69) I get 440 Hz both on a Kawai piano and REV2 if REV2 is tuned C3(midi note 60).

Seems normal to me.

But since playing A4 key on Kawai is this A3 as sequencer says, giving 440 Hz and being the middle octave.
- but Kawai send 69 that sequencer(Sonar) interpret to A3

But different references exist for midi note 0(zero), and C-2 reference is most common I think.
- C2=48
- C1=36
- C0=24
- C-1=12
- C-2=0

But init patch sets oscillator to C2, if that is the problem?
- just set oscillator accordingly if you need a certain octave

I don't think anything is wrong with your unit if it works like mine.

Re: Oscillator pitch one octave below displayed value
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2024, 01:08:33 PM »

Thanks for replying with your thoughts.

I think the normal behaviour is for an 'INIT Patch' i.e. Osc Freq at C2, to respond accurately to midi pitch information. This is how my Prophet 6 works. My Rev 2, however, when initialised outputs 220 Hz when sent midi note 69 instead of 440Hz. I'm having to re-tune every patch up an octave for it to correctly track midi.

I've done some further reading and people have posted with global tuning problems that can only be corrected with master tuning offsets. Is this the solution?

Re: Oscillator pitch one octave below displayed value
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2024, 09:11:24 PM »
Or use transpose button up one step so the keyboard part you play on are on par with what you expect.

This is how Nordlead works, you set what octave osc 1 is by transposing keyboard.
- then you set osc 2 freely to that
- and that is saved with the patch

With REV2 you can map any part of keyboard to do anything, without transposing.
- but as I discovered C3 as base then .
- if layering synths from a 'master' keyboard this might be needed

The middle key C4 on 88 key Kawai is in sequencer C3.

There are tunings to load, not sure if that can address this with sysex. If you can set every note interval I guess you can load a tuning that alter octave to what you want.
- unless this is only the universal within octave tuning or temperament

The now released TEO-5, I read manual, and there were about 40 pages describing the various tunings. Oberheim really made a 'thing' about tuning.

Kawai offer both, tuning within octave called temperament or every note separately over keyboard.

Never dived into the tuning part on synths. Just some stretch tuning on Kawai to avoid harmonic beating.

Synths are so different, you can use sub oscillator and then what do you set osc 2 to etc.
- same as osc 1 or one above or several below
- so what fundamental you get on which part of keyboard can be very different each patch
« Last Edit: July 28, 2024, 09:27:38 PM by Autosynther »

Re: Oscillator pitch one octave below displayed value
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2024, 03:55:32 AM »
Can I just confirm what pitch your Rev 2 outputs after you initialise a patch and send it midi note 69 please?

Re: Oscillator pitch one octave below displayed value
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2024, 06:24:21 AM »
Can I just confirm what pitch your Rev 2 outputs after you initialise a patch and send it midi note 69 please?
Sure, 220 Hz, and C2 is osc 1 set frequency pitch.

Raise tuning to C3, and then become 440 Hz for note 69, and became the same as on Kawai.
- but if you raise level of sub that will be on 220 Hz fundamental root again

Or just transpose keyboard +1 and playing the same physical key will do 440 Hz, but be midi note 81.

So it's floating a lot more on synths, I think, which key correspond to a pitch.
- and depend a lot on what content you produce if that is a problem

Re: Oscillator pitch one octave below displayed value
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2024, 01:51:28 AM »
Thank you for confirming this is normal behaviour and your helpful suggestions. I guess I expected synths from the same manufacturer to behave the same and was concerned about errors. My mind is at rest now.

Re: Oscillator pitch one octave below displayed value
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2024, 07:51:00 AM »
Glad to hear it. Thanks for feeding back. :)