Envelope 1 Assigned to Oscillator Shape 1 (M)(P) Only Occurs 1 in 5 times

1) Set up this modulation: Envelope 1 Assigned to Oscillator Shape 1 (M)(P) with some amount.
2) Hold one key down then legato to another note
3) Push another key
4) Push it 4 more times

Envelope effects only one voice.

Please advise.


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Hi papinflin,

Good question! The shape destination is an exception with both [M][P] mono & poly designators. Pulse Width (PWM) on oscillator 1 is polyphonic, while the rest of the shapes are monophonic.

To hear polyphonic modulation, you can try setting Osc 1 waveshape fully clockwise, then you can apply Env 1 to Osc 1 Shape at -100.
Sequential | Oberheim


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I’ve run into this too, when using an envelope to modulate osc levels.  Modulating a mono destination with an envelope only allows the first note’s envelope to affect that destination.  So if you’re holding a note, that one note’s envelope is affecting all 5 voices’s modulation, and since envelopes can become stationary when in the sustain stage, you won’t hear the modulation at that point.

A nice enhancement for a future firmware update would be to allow the sum of all poly instances of a mod source(or some sort of bipolar weighting or averaging) to allow all instances of a poly mod source to affect a mono destination.  An alternative is to have a “paraphonic” retriggerable instance of the envelope that gets used on mono destinations in place of the regular “poly” envelopes.

Also as Gus said, only the PWM of oscillator 1 has poly modulation.  Waveshape of both oscs and PWM on osc 2 are mono destinations.

affect - and Thanks!
« Last Edit: July 23, 2024, 04:45:18 PM by papinflin »

Inspiring thread! I just tested this out and verified this feature I had no idea existed before. Feature... or bug? After all, it's unaffected by whether Env Retrig is turned on or off in Program settings. Seems to me if it should have separate configurability, that could be a separate control that encompassed ALL of the Shape's throw range... for either oscillator or both. Or if it should be unified, then still allow for the full Shape's range to function polyphonically when controlled by an envelope. I've verified it works as it stands with Env1 and Aux Env, though Aux has the easier knob control.

I imagine most people have historically controlled PWM with an LFO, so this may simply not have come up much. But with a continuous Shape control for the oscillators, seems like a no-brainer to offer enhanced envelope control.