Hi all, have to say my ob6 has been pretty great in the bug department - have been using it extensively without running into anything, until now. Here is the issue I am seeing:
1) Start from an Init patch (press manual and write at the same time)
2) Turn Sub-Osc volume all the way up
3) Turn Osc 1 and Osc 2 volume all the way down
4) Press the Sync button on VCO1
Now pick a key and press repeatedly. When I press C2 every 6th note is a full octave lower, pressing other keys the octave shift occurs either more or less frequently, or at the high end of the keyboard not at all. There is a member on Gearslutz having a similar issue - but for him/her every 6th note is silent. A member over there with the module could not reproduce the problem, so it may be limited to the keyboard.
Can someone with the keyboard version give this a try and see what yours does?
Not a deal breaker by any stretch but thought I'd see what others had happen so I when I contact DSI support I can let them know if it is widespread or not.
Thanks in advance!