Odd as it may seem, I'd actually be more excited over a proper re-issue of the Multimoog or maybe TheSource.
The Muse seems like a nice sounding poly with a great layout, but there are a lot of options in this category nowdays. To my ear, Prophets and Obies usually sound better....it could just be that I've never considered myself a ladder filter guy.
I think what's gotten my attention most about this synth are some of the comments from folks like Matt Johnson who really seem to dig it... Matt is awesome and does a brand of funk that I like to listen to, but isn't what I'm into creating...I'm not really a follower of influencers when it comes to synths, I trust my ears above all, and it's about listening in the context of what I want to create, not what sounds good that others do that I listen for.
I don't want to sound like a Sequential/Oberheim fanboy... there are a number of their synths where the sound just never grabbed me. The Pro3 didn't (oddly enough the Pro2 did and its why I still own one), the Take 5 didn't, the TEO 5 doesn't (yet).
But you know, sometimes all it takes is something like a firmware update or a YT video showcasing a certain type of sound to make me decide I need to add a certain synth to the arsenal. So to be sure, I won't say never.
I do also wonder how many synth heads just wanted a modern Moog to sound good, and are lusting after the brand name -- it's been a while since Moog really pleased the masses in the sound department, and this synth seems like it might be that. A nice sounding poly from a company who was never known for legendary monos but not great sounding polys.
I got "bucket list nostalgia must buy" vibes from the Prophet 10 and OB-X8. Something close to that even with the Prophet 6 and OB-6, and never a regret with either. 3rd Wave is a powerhouse PPG Wave and Jupiter 8/Juno in a box with 24 voices that I can subdivide. But when I want a Moog sound I've got a SlimPhatty, a Minitaur... the Muse sounds good but doesn't have a pedigree aligning to its sound so it's hard to place exactly into a slot on an "I need this" list for me.