Replace wooden panels on Prophet-6 Desktop

Replace wooden panels on Prophet-6 Desktop
« on: July 10, 2024, 08:37:39 AM »
I have successfully replaced the side panels on my REV2; Desktop version but I can't figure the Prophet 5 and 6 (Desktop version as well) out. It has a wooden lower front panel (for the lack of the proper term). Removing the wood screws at the bottom does not do the trick. Is it possible that this  wooden front thingy is glued or am I missing something. I'd rather not take the whole synth apart if I don't have to.

Yes, I do like my Prophets sound- and usability wise. I just don't like the wood they come with. I like all my toys to have oak panels with a steeper angle for even better usability - sorry :-)

Any help is much appreciated… 
« Last Edit: July 10, 2024, 08:59:15 AM by bolle »


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Re: Replace wooden panels on Prophet-6 Desktop
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2024, 09:01:52 AM »
The lower wood strips on the P6K/M (and T6/OB-6) have internal screws facing the mainboard. On the keyboard version, you need to remove the keybed to access these. There are also a few screws on the bottom of the wood strip.

As always, do this sort of thing at your own discretion, and reach out to support@sequential if you run into trouble or have detailed questions.
Sequential | Oberheim

Re: Replace wooden panels on Prophet-6 Desktop
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2024, 09:28:38 AM »
The lower wood strips on the P6K/M (and T6/OB-6) have internal screws facing the mainboard. On the keyboard version, you need to remove the keybed to access these. There are also a few screws on the bottom of the wood strip.

As always, do this sort of thing at your own discretion, and reach out to support@sequential if you run into trouble or have detailed questions.

Thank you - even though it is the one answer I did not wanted to hear :-)

Re: Replace wooden panels on Prophet-6 Desktop
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2024, 09:12:48 PM »
The lower wood strips on the P6K/M (and T6/OB-6) have internal screws facing the mainboard. On the keyboard version, you need to remove the keybed to access these. There are also a few screws on the bottom of the wood strip. uno online

As always, do this sort of thing at your own discretion, and reach out to support@sequential if you run into trouble or have detailed questions.
