Hi guys,
I found annoying issue in the sequencer programming process. When I create sequence in TAKE 5 SoundTower Editor I can create 3 chord melody only. When I try to add 4th note (minor7 chord for example) and then save, it completly messed up time sequence of this 4th note and even, I don’t see this note in sequencer editor anymore. And also messed up notes velocity values. This happening after saving patch in synthesizer or in editor as well. But, what is very interesting 3 chord sequence is saved without any problem. Try to explain more:
1. Create 4 chord sequence in editor, everything is OK.
2. Play this sequence (click on synth or editor play button), everything is OK. Sequence is played as it should be.
3. Save patch on computer and the sequence is messed up (4th note timing is incorrect, also I don’t see this notes in sequencer anymore and velocity values on 3th line are randomly changed).
4. Or save patch on synthesizer...same result...messed up sequence.
I tried to save patch in take5 (editor) format and in sysex format aswell. Tried firstly save on synthesizer, then on editor (and vice versa). Tried firstly create a patch, save it and then create sequence and re-save...nothing help. Always same result...messed up sequence. Does anyone else have this problem? I bought SoundTower Editor (and PlugSE) mainly for sequencer programming and patch archiving, but with this bug it's practically unusable for me.