SoundTower sequencer issue

SoundTower sequencer issue
« on: July 08, 2024, 04:47:37 AM »
Hi guys,
I found annoying issue in the sequencer programming process. When I create sequence in TAKE 5 SoundTower Editor I can create 3 chord melody only. When I try to add 4th note (minor7 chord for example) and then save, it completly messed up time sequence of this 4th note and even, I don’t see this note in sequencer editor anymore. And also messed up notes velocity values. This happening after saving patch in synthesizer or in editor as well. But, what is very interesting 3 chord sequence is saved without any problem. Try to explain more:
1.      Create 4 chord sequence in editor, everything is OK.
2.      Play this sequence (click on synth or editor play button), everything is OK. Sequence is played as it should be.
3.      Save patch on computer and the sequence is messed up (4th note timing is incorrect, also  I don’t see this notes in sequencer anymore and velocity values on 3th line are randomly changed).
4.      Or save patch on synthesizer...same result...messed up sequence.
I tried to save patch in take5 (editor) format and in sysex format aswell. Tried firstly save on synthesizer, then on editor (and vice versa). Tried firstly create a patch, save it and then create sequence and re-save...nothing help. Always same result...messed up sequence. Does anyone else have this problem?  I bought SoundTower Editor (and PlugSE) mainly for sequencer programming and patch archiving, but with this bug it's practically unusable for me.

Re: SoundTower sequencer issue
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2024, 07:48:56 AM »
I will try to replicate on my Mac tonight after work, but I'd go ahead and email Mark at SoundTower to put it on his radar if it isn't already a known issue.

I haven't yet used the sequencer because it's not documented -- is the sequencer editor available in both the Standalone and the PlugSE versions or just the Standalone?

Re: SoundTower sequencer issue
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2024, 04:38:51 PM »
I will try to replicate on my Mac tonight after work, but I'd go ahead and email Mark at SoundTower to put it on his radar if it isn't already a known issue.

I haven't yet used the sequencer because it's not documented -- is the sequencer editor available in both the Standalone and the PlugSE versions or just the Standalone?

Ok, thanks for the tip about starting playback, the sequencer is still undocumented and I can't figure out how to add notes to the sequence using just the SoundTower interface, but for me, creating a 4-chord sequence then saving the patch results to my T5 seems to work fine, with no changes to the sequence. I'm using  v1.5.3 on Sonoma-latest, M1 Pro MBP.

Re: SoundTower sequencer issue
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2024, 11:29:50 PM »
I will try to replicate on my Mac tonight after work, but I'd go ahead and email Mark at SoundTower to put it on his radar if it isn't already a known issue.

I haven't yet used the sequencer because it's not documented -- is the sequencer editor available in both the Standalone and the PlugSE versions or just the Standalone?

Ok, thanks for the tip about starting playback, the sequencer is still undocumented and I can't figure out how to add notes to the sequence using just the SoundTower interface, but for me, creating a 4-chord sequence then saving the patch results to my T5 seems to work fine, with no changes to the sequence. I'm using  v1.5.3 on Sonoma-latest, M1 Pro MBP.

Thanks for your effort and help. I wrote to Mark a few months ago. He replied that they would have to fix it. In the meantime, two updates have been released, but the problem still persist. The sequencer editor is available in Standalone application only. When I just use the sequencer in the TAKE5 and save it in the synth, everything is fine. The problem is that programming the sequence directly in the instrument is terribly time consuming, that's why I bought the software for this very purpose. If I only program monophonic sequences or three-chord sequences in the SoundTower editor, everything is fine. A sequence of four and five note chords always ends up being a total mess. It breaks the timing of the notes and also the velocity. I'm on Windows 11. 

Re: SoundTower sequencer issue
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2024, 06:36:01 AM »
Ok, I couldn't figure out how to create a sequence entirely within the SoundTower interface, so I created the sequence in the Take 5 and loaded it to the editor, likely explaining the difference.

How does one create a new sequence from scratch, anyway? I could edit notes in pre-existing sequences and if I right-clicked on a spot I'd get an option to insert a given note but that never worked for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Maybe I have to first put the Sequencer into record mode before those right-click edits work? I'll try again tonight and let you know if I can replicate the issue.

BTW, I'm managing a list of SoundTower for Take 5 issues and would be happy to document any other problems you've found.

Re: SoundTower sequencer issue
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2024, 10:32:16 AM »
Ok, I couldn't figure out how to create a sequence entirely within the SoundTower interface, so I created the sequence in the Take 5 and loaded it to the editor, likely explaining the difference.

How does one create a new sequence from scratch, anyway? I could edit notes in pre-existing sequences and if I right-clicked on a spot I'd get an option to insert a given note but that never worked for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Maybe I have to first put the Sequencer into record mode before those right-click edits work? I'll try again tonight and let you know if I can replicate the issue.

BTW, I'm managing a list of SoundTower for Take 5 issues and would be happy to document any other problems you've found.
In the SoundTower Editor you need to click on SEQUENCER, then in sequencer window FUNCTIONS, tick all the boxes Track:1-Track5, then click Reset Track and confirm. It delete all previous sequencer notes and you have blank screen to write your own sequencer pattern.
The strange thing is that when i tried it today it didn't mess up my sequencer note timing, but other errors appeared. After saving the patch and reloading, the sequencer didn't show me my programmed sequence, but instead the original and also the velocity was messed up again. I have no idea where the problem might be, but what I do know for sure is that Mark should work more on removing bugs from the integrated sequencer editor (and not only sequencer)  ;D

Re: SoundTower sequencer issue
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2024, 12:44:09 PM »
Thanks for the tips, I created a new sequence of 4 note chords using the SoundTower interface and it seems to be working as expected, no note or velocity changes when the patch is saved, all sequence notes preserved. Note I am using the T5 interface to commit the patch settings to memory. If I then save the patch as a sysex file from within SoundTower and reload it into a new slot in the same bank, everything is preserved.

Of course, I'm on the Mac version which might not have the same bug as the Windows version -- hopefully someone here also on Windows can confirm.

Re: SoundTower sequencer issue
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2024, 10:39:41 PM »
Thanks for the tips, I created a new sequence of 4 note chords using the SoundTower interface and it seems to be working as expected, no note or velocity changes when the patch is saved, all sequence notes preserved. Note I am using the T5 interface to commit the patch settings to memory. If I then save the patch as a sysex file from within SoundTower and reload it into a new slot in the same bank, everything is preserved.

Of course, I'm on the Mac version which might not have the same bug as the Windows version -- hopefully someone here also on Windows can confirm.

Yesterday I was wondering if the problem could be caused by some unwanted midi information in the background, or a midi loop. So I disconnected all the devices and left only the TAKE5 connected, but the errors still appeared. It is quite possible that these bugs appear only in Windows versions and the mac version works fine. For now, I have no choice but to wait and hope for a fix, or learn to work faster with the built-in sequencer, directly in TAKE5  ;D Anyway, thanks again for your time and help.

Re: SoundTower sequencer issue
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2024, 09:23:13 AM »
Note I used the USB MIDI interface during my testing.