Loading OB-6 program edit buffer SysEx into Prophet-6 and vice versa

Perhaps this is common knowledge(?) but I just realized that the majority of OB-6 programs can be loaded into the Prophet-6, and vice versa - at least programs using the lowpass filter. Save one synth's SysEx edit buffer dump to a file, use a hex editor (like Hex Fiend) to switch the third byte of the file (the synth id) between 0x2D for the P6 and 0x2E for the OB-6, and send it to the other synth 8)  A few parameters may need to be scaled after loading (especially filter frequency), but most load and function exactly as they were, including the poly sequence.

Interesting to compare the sound of each synth with the same settings (and without spending a bunch of time setting every knob and switch, and re-entering the sequence, to do that).