Support - OS 1.8.0 - MIDI-OX Doesn't like the syx file

Support - OS 1.8.0 - MIDI-OX Doesn't like the syx file
« on: April 26, 2024, 07:23:28 PM »
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to let anyone at support who's reading this know that MIDI-OX does not seem to like the 1.8.0 .syx file, at all.

I've tested on 3 different Windows machines running the latest version of MIDI-OX, with the default settings (And also adjusting the output buffer settings Num and Size to 1024 as recommended by the update guide)

All 3 failed in the same exact way. I've tried using both USB from OB6 direct to pc, as well as classic MIDI outs with an M-AUDIO Midisport 4x4.

The problem isn't the synth, or the MIDI interfaces. It's the syx file for sure. MIDI-OX basically has some sort of stroke when you send the file, and there is 0 data activity that flows through the outputs, even though MIDI-OX happily streams all the hex code across the output window as if it's doing things. It's not. It sits there, not sending a single byte out.

I then switched to another known good syx file, and midi-ox happily starts sending, and I can confirm by seeing the MIDI OUT LEDs start to flash in rapid succession.

I don't know of any other recommended Windows Sysex software, although I'm going to give Bome Send SX a try next time.

If I hadn't had a spare MacBook laying around (SysEx Librarian <3), I wouldn'tve been able to update my OB6 :(

Please have a look at the syx file. Perhaps it's too large for MIDI-OX to understand, or there's some sort of hex command that's causing the entire datastream to halt?

Just wanted to throw this out there in case anyone else hasn't tried, and ultimately thinks it's their OB6 or MIDI interface being faulty.

I'm happy to be a guinea pig to test further as well.

Nothing but love for Sequential, Dave Smith, and Oberheim by the way. Thank you for all that you do!

Re: Support - OS 1.8.0 - MIDI-OX Doesn't like the syx file
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2024, 03:39:56 AM »
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to let anyone at support who's reading this know that MIDI-OX does not seem to like the 1.8.0 .syx file, at all.

I've tested on 3 different Windows machines running the latest version of MIDI-OX, with the default settings (And also adjusting the output buffer settings Num and Size to 1024 as recommended by the update guide)

All 3 failed in the same exact way. I've tried using both USB from OB6 direct to pc, as well as classic MIDI outs with an M-AUDIO Midisport 4x4.

The problem isn't the synth, or the MIDI interfaces. It's the syx file for sure. MIDI-OX basically has some sort of stroke when you send the file, and there is 0 data activity that flows through the outputs, even though MIDI-OX happily streams all the hex code across the output window as if it's doing things. It's not. It sits there, not sending a single byte out.

I then switched to another known good syx file, and midi-ox happily starts sending, and I can confirm by seeing the MIDI OUT LEDs start to flash in rapid succession.

I don't know of any other recommended Windows Sysex software, although I'm going to give Bome Send SX a try next time.

If I hadn't had a spare MacBook laying around (SysEx Librarian <3), I wouldn'tve been able to update my OB6 :(

Please have a look at the syx file. Perhaps it's too large for MIDI-OX to understand, or there's some sort of hex command that's causing the entire datastream to halt?

Just wanted to throw this out there in case anyone else hasn't tried, and ultimately thinks it's their OB6 or MIDI interface being faulty.

I'm happy to be a guinea pig to test further as well.

Nothing but love for Sequential, Dave Smith, and Oberheim by the way. Thank you for all that you do!
Email if you want a guarantee that this will be read by the right people.


Re: Support - OS 1.8.0 - MIDI-OX Doesn't like the syx file
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2024, 03:29:55 PM »
I can confirm. I needed maybe 20 runs to install the 1.8.0 firmware successfully from 1.6.6.

Tried all the different size parameters.

At the end there was only one configration of the buffers in MIDI-OX which worked out and ONLY using MIDI !! USB failed at every setting...

Re: Support - OS 1.8.0 - MIDI-OX Doesn't like the syx file
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2024, 07:25:30 PM »
Just updated my OB-6 module from 1.74 to 1.8 via USB using MIDI-OX running under Parallels on Windows 10 on. MacBook Pro using recommended procedure.

Just for fun updated it again via MIDI using the same MIDI-OX and U6MIDI Pro -- everything works as expected.