Owning both the Take 5 and the Prophet 6? Too much overlap?

Owning both the Take 5 and the Prophet 6? Too much overlap?
« on: April 18, 2024, 06:56:15 AM »
Hi All,

This is my very first post on this forum!

So, here is the deal; I have the chance to buy a near-perfect Take 5 for a VERY reasonable price. The thing is, I already own a P6 (which I love). Does it make sense to own both synths? Or maybe there is too much overlap? Are the OSC and the filter, etc the same?

For context I own the following; P6/OB6, Subsequent 37, Analog Four MK2 and the Novation Peak.

I’d love to hear your thoughts!

PS: I have to give the shop an answer by Monday;)

Re: Owning both the Take 5 and the Prophet 6? Too much overlap?
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2024, 07:05:58 AM »
Hi All,

This is my very first post on this forum!

So, here is the deal; I have the chance to buy a near-perfect Take 5 for a VERY reasonable price. The thing is, I already own a P6 (which I love). Does it make sense to own both synths? Or maybe there is too much overlap? Are the OSC and the filter, etc the same?

For context I own the following; P6/OB6, Subsequent 37, Analog Four MK2 and the Novation Peak.

I’d love to hear your thoughts!

PS: I have to give the shop an answer by Monday;)

I am sure lots of people will say go for it, they are different synths etc.

My advice would be, do you really need another polysynth? You already have a P6, OB6, A4, Peak.. Would you be better off spending the cash on something else - effects, compressors, outboard etc? If the motivation for it comes from the fact there’s a good deal to be had alone that perhaps answers the question. Having said that, if it is a truly great deal you can always sell it on at some point if you’re not using it - up to you of course! But I would definitely think about if you really need that over something else before making the call.

Just my opinion, and whatever way you decide good luck and enjoy!

Re: Owning both the Take 5 and the Prophet 6? Too much overlap?
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2024, 10:26:48 AM »
You might also ask over in the P6 forum if you haven't already. I've not played or heard a Prophet 6 so have nothing to add other than a recollection that some people here felt the T5 had a larger sweet spot, but double-check that because it may have been in reference to the Rev 2 and not the P6. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It might also help if you could describe your use-case -- I guess one reason to buy might be because you want to gig w/o taking a ton of gear.

Re: Owning both the Take 5 and the Prophet 6? Too much overlap?
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2024, 08:11:34 PM »
Hi All,

This is my very first post on this forum!

So, here is the deal; I have the chance to buy a near-perfect Take 5 for a VERY reasonable price. The thing is, I already own a P6 (which I love). Does it make sense to own both synths? Or maybe there is too much overlap? Are the OSC and the filter, etc the same?

For context I own the following; P6/OB6, Subsequent 37, Analog Four MK2 and the Novation Peak.

I’d love to hear your thoughts!

PS: I have to give the shop an answer by Monday;)

I am sure lots of people will say go for it, they are different synths etc.

My advice would be, do you really need another polysynth? You already have a P6, OB6, A4, Peak.. Would you be better off spending the cash on something else - effects, compressors, outboard etc? If the motivation for it comes from the fact there’s a good deal to be had alone that perhaps answers the question. Having said that, if it is a truly great deal you can always sell it on at some point if you’re not using it - up to you of course! But I would definitely think about if you really need that over something else before making the call.

Just my opinion, and whatever way you decide good luck and enjoy!

Hi Ray,

That’s a valid point. As you pointed out, I don’t “need” another poly. But it’s hard to say no to 500$ off for what essentially is near brand new unit:D

With that said, I don’t want to buy it if it sounds to close to my P6… Hence my question.

Re: Owning both the Take 5 and the Prophet 6? Too much overlap?
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2024, 08:41:51 PM »
You might also ask over in the P6 forum if you haven't already. I've not played or heard a Prophet 6 so have nothing to add other than a recollection that some people here felt the T5 had a larger sweet spot, but double-check that because it may have been in reference to the Rev 2 and not the P6. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It might also help if you could describe your use-case -- I guess one reason to buy might be because you want to gig w/o taking a ton of gear.

Hi Francis,

Good idea. I will try to post over the Prophet 6 forums and see if someone is actively using both. I’m planning to use the T5 in the studio, so it’s just to add a different color to my sound palette.


Re: Owning both the Take 5 and the Prophet 6? Too much overlap?
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2024, 04:33:13 PM »
I don’t think another polysynth is a bad idea at all if it fits an area you don’t have covered. I have a Prophet 10, a Trigon 6, and a Take 5, and the Take 5 is a great analog synth with an extremely robust mod matrix, which is something it sounds like you may not already have (I don’t know what an A4 is, though, so maybe you do). I would say the Take 5 is kind of like a smaller Rev 2 with VCOs instead of DCOs - it has that same crazy mod matrix and the wave morphable oscillators. I had a Rev 2, and I sold it because I already had the Take 5, which I ended up liking more (I still loved the Rev 2 - I just have limited space and funds, so I sold it and got something else). But I still kept the Take 5 when I got the Prophet, which speaks to the niche it fills.

OH! Also, the Take 5 has a Q compensated filter, so it retains everything when you crank the resonance - that is another thing that makes it unique among Sequentials.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2024, 04:35:21 PM by swid »

Re: Owning both the Take 5 and the Prophet 6? Too much overlap?
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2024, 07:18:22 PM »
Funny thing, while I haven't played a 6, I HAVE played a Rev-2, and discovered that there are enough key differences between it and the Take 5 that pairing those two would be a personal Sequential-toned holy grail. Take 5's potentially mean 2140 4-pole filter vs the Rev-2's Curtis 2/4-pole filter + the Take 5's ability to keep it simple as well as dial in complex modulations means the T5 can be a bass & lead monster to counterpart with the Rev-2's more textural focus. Moreover, it's designed for better portability, so if you had to have a compact grab-n-go (I play bass and double on keys with my T5; a bigger keyboard would literally not fit my small hatchback), it's a solid choice.

That said, the Analog 4 and Novation Peak are absolute monster synths, with features like wavetable oscillators, multi-layered track sequencing, multimode filters, the Analog 4's insane macro knob feature, etc. The T5 does have full-featured expression pedal mod matrix assignability, which I use and dig.

Also with THAT said, if you're saving that much on getting one, you'd likely make basically all your money back if you decided to hand it off. That alone makes it worth considering, and who knows: might become a new favorite versatile pack mule with world-class analog tones.