Tetra + Faderfox EC4 - NRPN mapping

Tetra + Faderfox EC4 - NRPN mapping
« on: February 18, 2024, 03:45:26 PM »
Hi everybody,

I am using a Faderfox EC4 to control my Tetra, and am having an issue that several seem to have had: if i try to control a voice parameter via NRPN from a knob on the Faderfox, the value of the parameter goes from 0 to 127, nothing in between. I have searched previous posts on this issue but have not seen a solution, unless I am mistaken. Any pointers on how to solve this issue would be really appreciated. Thank you!



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Re: Tetra + Faderfox EC4 - NRPN mapping
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2024, 09:48:01 AM »
I would suggest that you check what MIDI messages the Faderbox sends and check how Tetra responds to these messages. Also please check the global settings of your Tetra.

Good luck!
cp -f $0 $HOME/.signature