Kenton Pro solo not triggering Pro One

Kenton Pro solo not triggering Pro One
« on: February 16, 2024, 01:05:40 PM »

Apologies if this is in the wrong section, I didn’t see a dedicated section for the Pro One.

I’m trying to trigger my Pro One via the Kenton Pro Solo. I’ve read that it should trigger out if the box, and so reset to the factory settings (I bought the Kenton used) to make sure setting were correct.

The Kenton is receiving a midi signal from my midi keyboard (it lights when played), but there is no sound. However, there is sound when I play the Pro One keys, which means the issue is either something to do with the Kenton/settings or the Pro One input set up or triggers.

I have 3 mono cables running from kenton to Pro One for gate, cv and filter.

I appreciate any help! Thanks
« Last Edit: February 16, 2024, 01:07:19 PM by dnewell84 »

Re: Kenton Pro solo not triggering Pro One
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2024, 01:19:23 PM »
Well, I figured out to switch the mode on the Pro One to Ext.

So now I can trigger it, but it’s just playing continuous tones now with no envelope…

Re: Kenton Pro solo not triggering Pro One
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2024, 01:56:19 PM »
Well, I figured out to switch the mode on the Pro One to Ext.

So now I can trigger it, but it’s just playing continuous tones now with no envelope…

I had a similar prob several years back with my Pro One... in my case it turned out the synth needed to have two ICs replaced, 7 and 14, which apparently are to do with the gate function. Given that the Pro One is a vintage machine, perhaps that could be behind your issue. I'm lousy at tech, but I'm curious if your Pro One is properly responsive to an external in signal... mine was glitchy in that department as well, before the IC replacement.

I've reached out to Sequential support with Pro One questions, and I wouldn't hesitate to ask Kenton as well for input, so to speak...One way or other, I do wish you luck and hope it's an easy fix.