I assume the Arturia system 5 software synth doesn't really count as having a Moog in my lineup
. Wonder what prices will be for this?
The only real Moogs I currently own are Minitaur and Slim Phatty... both good sounding synths, but to my ears not the best in any category including bass. Oddly enough, I like the vibe and sound of the "Mini D" emulation for the MPC better than the real Moogs I own, but I also know the reasons I like it are completely subjective and the harmonic qualities I like in it might not be what most folks associate with Moogs.
For mono use, I love the sound of the AS-1, Prophet 6, Pro-2... Hmm... these are all Dave Smith creations... coinkydink?

I just wish Sequential would do a proper reissue of the Pro One.
As for the Moog Mirror -- I will reserve judgement until I've heard the thing... historically I have a medium to high love for the sound of Moog monosynths when tweaked properly, but can't say the same for their polysynths of any era.
This one could potentially be different... with the change in leadership and a departure from blue collar politics, maybe the final decision on sound will end up in different hands and a real winner will emerge?
If I had to guess on price I'm going to say $3.5k ish USD if the final product is anything like their other products from the last couple of decades. Maybe more if they really stumble on something sonically great rather than relying on the prestiage of a brand name created by someone no longer around.