I bought my OB-x8 synth in 2022 around October month. But 6 months ago I started having issues with the pitch and mod wheel. whenever I touch it, there seems to be modulation constantly on all patches - and the pitch wheel works with up to 1.5 seconds of delay.
i have tried to update the firmware and calibrated the synth many times, but it doesn't fix the issue. A full calibration only fixes the constantly modulation, until you touch the mod of pitch wheel again. Then the synth goes back to constantly pitch modulating all patches and notes while playing.
before this issue, I also had other issues, like wierd noises while turning the filter and ADSR knobs. but in October 2023 I had the whole synth sent to the Oberheim service center to fix. unfortunately they just sent the synth back after 1.5 months without fixing the pitch wheel issue but just fixing the noise...
does anyone know about this issue or how I can fix it? I use the Synth everyday, since its very important for me - right now I just can't use the pitch and mod wheel because it will screw everything up...
does anyone know anything?