Hi, I have a problem and I wonder if it's common or normal for this synth. When in unison mode - The keyboard is not responding to higher keys, when a lower key one is pressed. It works the opposite way though. Adding a video below to show the problem.
From the looks of it it’s probably working as expected, but it can be changed.
Look at the ‘Key Assign Modes’ in the Unison section in the manual.
Sounds like you have it set to Low Note Priority.
You can change this by pressing and holding the KEY MODE button in the misc parameters. Press Increment / Decrement to change it.
EDIT - just in case, the manual is sticked at the top of the Prophet 6 section. Link to it here:
https://forum.sequential.com/index.php/topic,19.0.htmlAt some point I would recommend going through the whole manual - you probably know most of it, but there are a few things and even a couple of helpful tips and tricks to help out!