Taken as a whole, sound like you are on the verge of overloading constantly and certain tweaks (like a different osc level), get you just above or below. I guess all I'm saying is that it might not be a bad osc 3 "too". Hate to risk sounding overly simple, but I assume you are looking at amp outputs options upstream from the clip.
I've spent some more hours with it now, it's quite a complex little thing and that there isn't a "real" factory reset doesn't help much. So I also uploaded the factory patches and tbh, half of them sound broken, no mattern if they should sound like they do or not lol
So I also purchased a soundbank as reference to compare different patches to the demo on youtube, and the sound seems to be ok, at least the patches sounded the same as on the demo, no distortion or anything. The problem with the clipping led is consistant though.
As soon as I plug the adapter cable in, the clip led is active, no matter if sound is playing or not and without anything plugged into the inputs, it's just permanently on, acting more like a second power on led than anything else. This can't be like it should be, it is active on all 3.0 factory patches, it is also active on the soundbank I bought (are you sequenced) and there isn't any clipping led in the demo video on these patches. And as mentioned, there hasn't to be anything going on at all..
I've checked levels starting from the 4 OSC levels, set them to 30, amp to 50, level 50, no modulations going on etc, and it doesn't change anything. If it would be just the LED, ok, but that voltage must come from somewhere to make it lid and I am worried that another component is slowly failing..
Support also already got back to me but only linked to a service center which has an hourly rate of 69 EUR pre tax, which would end up with at least 200 extra costs for me then I guess..