So I finally got my ob-x8 desktop and yes it is amazing etc etc however there is one problem that is doing my head in. The knobs in «jump» mode won’t always go to their default position (min value). While it’s not easy to hear the difference between filter cutoff value 0 and 1, the OSC detune knobs are where I first noticed it. I think it’s a bug as if I set the mode to «relative» or «passthru» they seem to work fine, it’s just «jump» mode that is wierd. SoundTower editor shows the exact values which confirms the behaviour I’m seeing.
Another bug is that the filter cutoff seems to go to 172 in when turning the knob all the way to the right whilst in the editor it is, as expected, 127. There is no audible difference in values higher than 127 so it is wierd.
The first thing I did when I got it was to install the latest firmware so not sure if it was like this on 1.1.0 which was installed when I got it