Thank you for posting this. Never knew about this.
This is a rant and you are welcome to skip it...

I learned music on midi, smpte, scsi, zip drives , and noisy gear with loud fans. Im a linear guy.
I adore roger linn and his contributions to music. When i saw the tempest by accident in an advert in MIX magazine earlier this year, i had to have it (even though its been out for a coupe years already).
The tempest is a beast, and you can do so much with it. That said, Its over my head and im quite intimidated by it. Even though ive had this machine since February, I've not used it in any production because i dont know how to use it. The videos on youtube are scarce and only show people twisting knobs. Im old school and want that analog sound. I just make beats that are not in the EDM world.
I like simple. Im simple. The drumbrute is simple. It has knobs. Just like my tr9.
Once i get the drumbrute, if it can produce the sounds that fit with the production i do, i will sell the tempest. I stil have the plastic on the screen because when I purchased it back in February , i didn't immediately feel a connection with it, because its just too complicated (leaner this later after i got it home).
A rant I know but i do appreciate a company making an analog drum machine with simplicity in mind. Not everyone uses DAWs (i dont; i record to SCSI drives using a fostex d2424LV and master to dat) and a select few still like to use analog mix desks with patch bays.
Arturia releases this box with a price point thats bananas. I have to get it because its simple, has knobs that i can get to instead of me diving like on the tempest, and the sounds are instant.