Well... that P6 module is on my "to do list" for next year for sure... I've been going 100% DSI over the last weeks, and are selling a lot of my monosynths currently because I only want high quality, feature rich, polysynths with proper MIDI specs, so there is practicaly nothing else but DSI to turn to.
Just sold my Pulse 2 and MOOG Slim Phatty... Next month my Yamaha EX5 will go as well... I need a new DSI synth with a keybed to be my new motherkeyboard as well, so next month, I'll be a Pro2 user as well.
I really like the P6 module layout, as I'm going to be tweaking a lot more during recording than I've ever done before... Hope the price will be around the same as the Prophet 12 module.