I'm working on a drop-in PCB that exposes the extra two panning VCAs while, at the same time, provides some more sophisticated normalling for the MIDI section than the stock Pro or MIDI-to-CV units, AND exposes the cross-sync capabilities in the same manner as the patch-panel version.
Interesting! If you do it, would love to see more details. I'm currently trying to figure out how to add notch & Q CV control to mine using vactrols (or maybe digital pots).
Interesting comparison. So how would a mono voice from the OB-6 compare to a modern SEM Pro? Are the filters similar? RAW waveforms? Envelope behaviour? If anyone has both I'd be delighted to hear.
The oscillators are clearly not exactly the same because the OB-6 has a triangle wave, and also continuously variable waveforms (though that could just be a mixing circuit added on top). I haven't done a spectral comparison or anything, but I prefer the raw SEM oscs. It could be all in my head. I do very much like that I can add extra oscs on the SEM via the ext input, which is impossible on the OB-6.
SEM envelopes behave differently (only 3 env controls with shared decay/release, and fully analog). Doesn't matter much to me as I often use external envs patched in to the SEM anyway.
I want to say the SEM portamento (if you use the Pro or MIDI version) sounds like it has a different transition curve compared to the one on the OB-6.
Filter controls a bit differently, which could be the way the knob ranges are mapped or the gain staging, but I can usually get one to sound "close enough" to the other with a little bit of work.