Sustain as a Mod Destination?


Sustain as a Mod Destination?
« on: October 14, 2023, 09:05:20 AM »
New user here (hello, everybody), and loving my Take 5 (which just arrived last week - in that time I've already made nearly 100 new patches). One thing that I do wish it had was the ability to set envelope sustain as a mod destination (I'm surprised you can modulate every other aspect of the envelope but the one that is the most useful to modulate). What are the odds we could see this in a firmware update?

Re: Sustain as a Mod Destination?
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2023, 12:51:21 AM »
New user here (hello, everybody), and loving my Take 5 (which just arrived last week - in that time I've already made nearly 100 new patches). One thing that I do wish it had was the ability to set envelope sustain as a mod destination (I'm surprised you can modulate every other aspect of the envelope but the one that is the most useful to modulate). What are the odds we could see this in a firmware update?
Email and request it. The more people who ask, the better the chance of their looking into it. It’s something I’d like to see in the Pro 3 too. Subsequent 37 and Summit have this as a destination (added recently to the latter) and it’s so useful.


Re: Sustain as a Mod Destination?
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2023, 05:28:51 PM »
Email and request it.

Good call - done! I mean, I’m not holding my breath but you never know!


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Re: Sustain as a Mod Destination?
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2023, 05:33:32 AM »
Another thing they should add if they do add sustain as a mod destination:  when sustain is changed, either via modulation or by twisting the knob, have the output slewed to the rate set by the Decay knob.  Most real analog envelopes respond this way due to the way the circuits work.  (It may already have this, I’d have to try it)

Or make “sustain slew” switchable in the program menu.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2023, 05:37:02 AM by kpatz »