All the synths that have audio input are mono input only?
Yeah, typically, with Evolver being a notable exception. But the OB-6's sound engine is basically monaural anyway. That is, it doesn't have stereo filters, and only fakes stereo with digital effects and pan. If you're going to a second filter, you probably don't want it applied post-effects anyway.
also are there Eurorack Filter with stereo input and stereo output?
Yes, but if you're looking specifically for an SEM3320 filter, your options might be limited. You probably won't save money by buying a stereo module versus two monaural modules. That's the Eurorack Way.
Im not very familiar with eurorack setup, but can u get away with buying a small powered case and one filter module and be done with it? Like Ob6-> to Eurorack filter->to UAD interface.
Or you need some Input/Output modules to make it work with OB6?
Yeah, a power supply and a little case. Eurorack output is significantly hotter than the line-level that natively comes out of OB-6. You can either get an output module, or use an outboard mixer to attenuate the signal(s).
Once you start buying Eurorack, I don't care who you are or how limited you think your use case is, you're not going to stop at a filter. So you might as well get a reasonably-sized case.
You know, it might be worthwhile to look for an Evolver Desktop. There are other cool processing tricks it can do, in addition to having stereo filters.