Using my pro-3 to drive my other hardware synths ?

Using my pro-3 to drive my other hardware synths ?
« on: August 02, 2023, 05:18:03 PM »
Hello everyone,

I own a Pro-3  with Cubase 11 in DAW, but I'm stalling on a question:
I want to drive my Waldorf Pulse.2 + My uno synth pro FROM my  Pro-3.

Of course, CCs are not the same... Cutoff = 33 for the Pro-3, against 35 for the UNO....

Cubase Solution's : the insert midi plugin "miditransformer" in cubase... = horrible...   :'(
4 lines of commands for a single CC...  Means 48 lines to drive the 4 points of each of the 3 Pro-3  envelopes to the Waldorf... arfff....    :'(
I don't want to change 4 or five buttons , but most all of them.

Do you have any tips ? Or do you know of any plug-ins or products that can do this?

I see it as a midi plugin with a GUi where there would be buttons, faders etc... that you click and affect CC in then CC out...
A bit like arturia's BeatStep and its Midi Control Center with GUi to allow CC transformation ...
Any ideas or suggestions?

Best regards,


Re: Using my pro-3 to drive my other hardware synths ?
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2023, 10:54:26 PM »
Bome's MIDI translaror

Re: Using my pro-3 to drive my other hardware synths ?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2023, 04:28:04 PM »
Bome's MIDI translaror
Thank you for your answer, I find it (le programme) a little non-intuitive...
I discover this one wich help me well :

Hope it helps !
