I just bought a used Prophet 5 Rev4 (keyboard version) and I'm loving the hell out of it, but there's one thing that doesn't seem quite right:
The Filter Envelope Attack apparently only knows "zero time" and "many seconds", nothing in between.
So based on a fresh (and otherwise untouched) Basic Preset, I dial in:
Rev: 3 (or 1/2, doesn't matter)
Cutoff: 0
Resonance: 0
Env Amount: 10
Keyboard half/full: OFF
Filter Env
Attack: X, starting at 0
Decay: 0
Sustain: 10
Release: 0
Velocity: OFF
Aftertouch: OFF
Release/Hold: OFF
As I slowly turn up the Attack while repeating the same note, at first I hear a rather open fiter, obviously, but without any notable changes to the attack. Then, before I even reach 1 on the Attack knob, there's a sudden jump to a fully closed filter and the Attack time abruptly becomes something like 10 seconds. Above a value of roughly 1, it doesn't seem to make a difference whether I set it to 2 or 10, it's always the same 10 (or 15? in any case: many, too many) seconds, just as if the parameter was of binary nature: zero or max.
I made a little video of that:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/kkfh012gol0jbbg/Prophet5_Attack.mp4?dl=0Here's what I tried so far:
-initial settings/reset global parameters as per the troubleshooting instructions
-disconnect everything but power and audio out (MIDI/USB/Pedal etc)
-power cycle, obviously
Edit: Pot Mode
I also considered the scenario of me just being stupid, so I tried the same settings on a Prophet 5 virtual instrument (Arturia) and it's definitely different there - in the 4-6 attack range (50-170ms -ish, the UI says) there's that lovely quack-like filter movement I've been looking for.
Any ideas?
Thanks a lot, Manfred
edit: Prophet OS version is 2.0.1
edit 2: also, this (phone audio only):