« on: June 24, 2023, 11:42:13 AM »
Just got an OB-X8 desktop and I'm thrilled. One thing I'm a bit confused on is my OB-6 will indicate what note I'm tuned to when I move the respective oscillator frequency, but I'm not seeing a way to do so on the OB-X8. I realize "just use your ears" but I'm far from pitch perfect. Is there a way to see what the frequency is tuned to in the display?

Kijimi, Xerxes mk2, OB6D, P6D, Prophet 5D (expanded), OB-X8D, Hydrasynth, Pro 3, Wavestate, MS20D, A4mk2, ARmk2, MC202, Avalon, Syntakt, Octatrack, NLDR, H9000, Digitone, Deckard's Dream mk2, Isi-Nin, Roland System 500 + other Eurorack